Tuesday 25 October 2005

delayed addendum
ok so this is post number two, and it's going to be a little one
i don't like the lifeguard job, it's crap, but i need the money, do i:
a) stick at it and think of the money
b) call the bloke i spoke to the other day about a job dj-ing at functions
c) quit the job and pull the purse stirngs really tightly

lifeguarding is easy and something i've been doing for nearly 11 years, but it's a job filled with young people, most of my collegues at my new place are under 20 (i say under 20, they are in the 16-18 demographic) therefore only want to get pissed up and talk about their sex lives...or lack thereof (point to remember, i'm nearly 27 and therefore have done everything they are trying to do and didn't brag about it...unlike them) and they have little or no pride in the work that they do, no interest in the job and are only there so that they can go to the pub that night

DJ-ing pays better, but the hours are less sociable, i say pays better, it pays something like 4 or 5 times more than lifeguarding. it does mean that i'm going to have to sit through a lot of songs that i'm not keen on, but it will primarily depend on the demographic of the function as to what is played. there is more opportunity to work...and it's more flexible as in i can work a function if i want to. but then that's a drawback in that if there isn't a function, i can't work...

tightening the purse strings is a good idea, it'll mean i get to save some cash too hopefully, but with crimbo fast approaching i could do with all the additional cash i can get

come on people...i need your views and help


berly02 said...

DJs are hot. You should try that for a while. It won't hurt you.
Glad your back! Are you feeling better?

Px said...

thanks Ber
feeling a bit better, but stomach is still playing up a little

Princess Pessimism said...

Well...That depends on what kind of purse it is....

I think you should talk to that guy about DJing, and if it's for sure 100% and you've got the job, then tell those lifeguard people to shove it. Dont leave your job 2nd job until the 3rd becomes concrete....

FU said...

i do not moan.. i simply complain when my fave blogs are not regularly updated :D

wat is a crimbo? is it like a crumpet? but jamaican?
id say... get a better paying real job.. and enjoy ur time off. :)


Px said...

i'm thinking dj because i like music and it's a cooler job

it doesn indeed sound like a plan which i may have to follow

it's an empty purse right now, and again i think you're on the money too

dude, that's the best advice i've had, but alas jobs don't come looking for me and i had enough trouble finding this one, i might have a chat about getting a raise

Lindsey said...

Well, you don't particularly care for either job...so...I say go with the DJ'ing thing since the money is much better. However, I would still tighten the purse strings a bit in case you have to wait awhile between gigs.

Working so much sucks...for at least a year I had 4 jobs at once and was taking 3 college courses.

Px said...

to be honest...i don't like any of my jobs, but alas i need money and there are pro's and cons for all of them