Wednesday 12 October 2005

not long now
it's one month until my birthday...interesting
it's under 24 hours until my first HNT post...nerve racking
it's been a few days since i had a decent night's sleep...tiring

right today i'm exactly one month off being 27 and as yet i have NO plans...this time last year i had no plans either though and i ended up getting totally trucked in Dublin's fair city, where the girls really are so i'm not holding out for anything exciting to happen this year, although i can still dream that all my favourite women in the world will converge in one place and put a huge great big smile on my face...

ok things are looking interesting for the HNT post, there have been a few suggestions, listed below, this is the final chance for people to make any suggestions or plump for one of the options already suggested...come on people come up with something entertaining, you tell me the pic i'll tell you a story behind it or a little about me relating to it.
options so far are:
tattoos (x2)
facial hair (this is sadly lacking at the moment though)
in my lifeguard uniform (x2 although i don't apparently have to be wearing it)
"dirty" pic...
so come on people

insomnia sucks
it'd be ok if there was a decent reason for being tired, like i'd been up all night shagging someone, but alas this is not the is genuinely insomnia and that is crazy and i hate it

guess that's all there is to say at the moment though...sorry

do it for FU
finally i decided to do this for FU who's ill and stuff
Name someone with the same birthday as you.
apparently grace kelly was born on the same day as me, as was auguste rodin

Where was your first kiss?
on the lips...

Have you ever seriously vandalized someone else's property?
nope that i can think of

Have you ever hit someone of the opposite sex?
not in a malicious way

Have you ever sung in front of a large number of people?
a few times, with school choirs, in school productions and while pissed at uni on the karaoke

What's the first thing you notice about the preferred sex?
everything i can see, so hair, smile, eyes, figure (tits and ass)

What do you order at the Coffee Bean?
i'm guessing it's a coffee shop type place, but seeing as we don't have coffee bean over here and i don't like coffee anyway...i'll be skipping this one

What is your biggest mistake?
see the next question

Have you ever hurt yourself on purpose?
yeah :(

Say something totally random about yourself.
seeing as FU had to remind me about this i'd better put something down well i'm a pretty random person most of the about i once got a tattoo, and the only reason for this one was to show a mate how little it hurt to get done, she stood and watched while i had it done and then didn't get one herself...shame on her

Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity?
probably, but i can't remember who though

Do you still watch kiddy movies or tv shows?
yeah sometimes

Did you have braces?
not train tracks no, but i had a bite plate and some other sort of brace that i could take out

Are you comfortable with your height?
hell yeah

What is the most romantic thing someone of the opposite sex has done for you?
phoned me from the supermarket and wanted to know if i needed anything, then she bought me some bread, totally out of the blue, i think she was looking for an excuse to see me as we'd not seen each other for a few days and were in the honeymoon period of the relationship

When do you know it's love?
when it feels like it's love

Do you speak any other languages?
a little french, spanish, polish, german and japanese (when i say a little i mean like only a few words)

Have you ever been to a tanning salon?
hell no, i like being a pastie pale face

What magazines do you read?
i only look at the pictures ;)

Have you ever ridden in a limo?
nope, and i have no real desire to either

Has anyone you were really close to passed away?
not recently

Do you watch MTV?
nope...not got the channel

What's something that really annoys you?
people bugging me when i want to be alone
inconsideration (which i do myself)

What's something you really like?
marmite :)

Do you like Michael Jackson?
musically...not overly, he's done some good stuff and some bad
as a

Can you dance?
some people say i can, some say i can't, i'm inclined to go with the latter

What's the latest you have ever stayed up?
dunno, usually too wasted or tired to pay that much attention to the time, flew to san francisco a few years ago, didn't sleep for over 48 hours then...but that's about it

Have you ever been rushed by an ambulance into the emergency room?
more than once

Do you actually read these when other people fill them out?
usually yeah


FU said...

haha - u never said anything random about urself!!!

Px said...

bugger...i'll update

berly02 said...

Show your hands!

Why don't you want to ride in a limo?

Lindsey said...

Personally I've always found a nice pair of shoulders to be extremely sexy. Strong hands are nice too...

hell, I haven't had sex in so long...anything is sexy right about now.

Px said...

limo's just don't float my boat really...never saw the fascination of riding around in a huge car. maybe if the right reason came along i'd do it, but until then no limo

ahh bless...
just go out and buy a rampant rabbit...or go out, get totally wasted and have a one night stand

Princess Pessimism said...
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