Tuesday 25 October 2005

ok, so before Fu moans again about my distinct lack of blogging i'd better post something
i've had a pretty good weekend, apart from throwing up on saturday and still feeling it now, stomach has been dodgy since friday i think, but i'm surviving, and no it wasn't alcohol related, more's the pity. but alas it meant i missed a 21st party on saturday evening and missed work yesterday, got sent home on saturday from my other job too...great way to start my first shift!

other news
well pretty much nothing
really getting fed up though
not even sure why

it's only a couple of weeks now until my birthday :)
it's on a saturday and i feel the need to do something a little special, but as it stands i've got nothing planned...i'm thinking that i should at least go out for either food or a drink, but i can't be bothered to hear the usual excuses from people who can't be bothered to come and see me :(

babysitting last week went fine, it went better than fine, and i really enjoyed it, but the baby is teething and so she's grizzly all the time at the moment, but i can still make her laugh, so that's ok

PARTY...come on people, don't forget, we've got to help jenfer (please note i'm going to push this like you wouldn't believe until the actual event)

if anyone else has got some news, feel free to post it
seeing as none of my UK bloggers are posting anything at the moment (bunch of slackers) although it does waste a few minutes everyday while i check to make sure that they still haven't said anything, even though i'm sure that they've all got news and things happening in their lives, like buying a house or moving to sheffield...you know who you are...and although i'm sure there are reasons for you guys not posting nything for ages, i'm still disappointed



Lindsey said...

You most definetly do something for your birthday. Even if it's just dinner and drinks w/ friend. If you weren't living in the UK..I'd go out and celebrate with you! :0)

I'm glad babysitting went well. Colby is teething too and they are about the same age...can be very tiresome but well worth it.

I'm so sorry you were ill but hope you feel loads better. We missed you.

Px said...

dammit there are times like this when i wished i didn't live in the UK...
the bear is 13 months now, her first tooth can be seen just unfer the gum, but it's just this last push which is causing the problem, she got me up at 1am the other day, just to cry and push me for an hour, but she had some milk and bonjela and was fine after that, for about 2 hours