Monday 16 January 2006

Celebration of life
I've had to have my remaining rattie put down today, so i'm feeling a little upset about that, especially as she was my favorite of these two. that means i've lost both my little girls within 2 months of each other.
they had a good run though, living to about 2 years old (average age for a rat so i'm told) but they both got lumps (which they are susecptible to) not sure if they were cancerous or absess' but either way they're not pleasent for them.
my rats were great, all four of them brought me happiness and good memories over the years. pinky and the brain were the first two and kept me sane while i was in uni and they were sorely missed when they passed away. fudge and snowball, although being a constant reminder of an ex-girlfriend, also brought me entertainment, even if i had to go and buy a few plasters lol.
i'm not going to be getting any more rats now though, out of the 4 that i've had over the years, 3 have had lumps, both the girls and one of my boys.
it's a shame i haven't got a picture of them that i could post.
so here's to my ratties, pinky, the brain, fudge and snowball
btw, i posted like 3 times yesterday so go read them!


Akanksha said...

sorry abt ur pets.. thats the problem with pets when u hav them they bring u soo much joy but when they die its like losin a friend..

berly02 said...

Gonna have to sit by the computer to keep up all your posts! lol

Lust, Love, etc. - totally agree
Your new place - very exciting, even if it isn't your dream, it will be your own, right?
Pets - you owned rats!?!? Sorry to hear they are gone.

Natalia said...

Holy posting, Bat-PX :)

Love Kaiser Chiefs...they are brilliant.

Glad the whole thing with the folks got cleared up and you had a long talk. Yaay for new beginnings.

Sorry about the pet :(


Jennifer said...

PX, I'm sorry to hear about your rats. We had mice infesting our apartment named Pinky and the Brain. Pinky fell into a waste basket once (he wasn't very smart), and my roommate tried to keep him as a pet. I put my foot down and set him free in the vacant lot behind the builing so he could frolic and eat garbage to his heart's content.

Lindsey said...

You have rats? *shivering uncontrollably*

While that freaks me out a bit...I AM sorry about what happened.

Anonymous said...

Goodbye ratties :(