Saturday 28 January 2006

Yeah Yeah and i'm drop dead gorgeous!
hey hey peeps
it's a saturday songday and the song for the day it drop dead gorgeous by Republica :)
seeing as it's saturday and i think i successfully managed to get about 6 hours sleep again last night (not counting how many nights it is now since i had more than that) i'm in a cracking good mood
i also got my sexy new image today...oh yes people your Px is changing...out are the glasses, dropped in favour of my nice new contact lenses!!! picture will appear at the bottom of the post, story behind them first!
ok so it's december, mother has suggested that i get lenses again as now i'm not working in a swimming poll i can wear them when and wherever i please...she's even willing to pay for them. (bonus!) right, well the first pair of new lenses arrives on the 23rd of december, just intime for christmas :) but alas i'm told that they don't fit my eye very well, which is why they were slipping all the time, a new pair would be ordered and should arrive in a couple of weeks. second pair arrive and the fit is perfect, i mean they are spot one fit wise, but driving to work in the morning i noticed that the road signs were not as clear as they were when i was wearing glasses, so i wisely choose to take them off and go back into the opticians and complain, new eye test is done, and new lenses are ordered. now your normally placid Px is starting to get a bit narked about this having paid some £150 for contact lenses in december and by mid january still having nothing to show for it! a call came yesterday to say that my new lenses were in, so i called them this morning and made an appointment to have them fitted and check that the prescription was right this time. the earliest available appointment...2 weeks time. Unimpressed Px books said appointment and wanders back off to bed. not long after i get a phone call, it's the opticians saying that they've had a cancellation and that i needed to go down right away to get my new lenses so i could put them in and go back 2 hours later for the appointment. Done
went back in for the appointment and the nice lady got me to read the lines on the chart, first with each eye singularly (read the middle line each time) then with both eyes (read the bottom line...quite surprisingly as that line was pretty small and well above the british standard set for lenses) comfort wise i've had them in over 5 hours now and they are feeling fine still, although i'll probably take them out before i go out tonight. sight wise, they're better than my glases :)
i'm a happy Px and i'm a sexy looking mother trucker too now :D...want the proof?
here you go! (i'm squinting because it's sunny and i know i need a shave, but it's the weekend so what you gonna do about it :P)


Autumn Storm said...

Well, don't you look pretty :-) Nice eyes, always a bonus.
Have a wonderful weekend, x

Lindsey said...

You handsome devil you.

Contact lens are hard to fit sometimes (I work for an eye doctor). There are many factors ranging from the size shape of your astigmatism and how high your Rx is. Plus you have to take into account what kind of lenses you want to wear, color, extended wear, daily disposables, etc etc etc. However, it does seem to be a bit rediculous that it taks so long to get the lenses in and get a contact lens check appointment. Our lenses generally only take one day to arrive. Hmmm.

Lindsey said...

LOL. I just got totally boring there. So sorry.

Princess Pessimism said...

You post a lot of pictures of your face...I think you're in love with yourself.... =)

Anonymous said...

Well aren't you just a little cutie! A picture and it's not even Thursday. Hope there are no more problems.

Katie said...

looking good

Natalia said...

Song is totally fitting and all :) woohoo for the lenses :)


Akanksha said...

hi px.. u look cute.. nice eyes..
i cant see what color they r tho prperly .. r they dark brown..

Px said...

thanks for the compliments people...
just going to address a few points...
linny...i know contacts are hard to fit sometimes lol (and fyi i've got an astigmatism in both eyes and my Rx is -5.00 in my right eye and -5.25 in my left) and it wasn't boring to those who need to know these things're right, i do love myself, someone's got to right :P
natalia...i'm thinking of starting a "song for saturday" theme what do you think? eyes are naturally green, and i'm told the lenses just make them look better :D but i'll try to post a better pic for you sometime soon

Jennifer said...

That's a lovely picture, but I hope you don't give up your glasses all together, I like your frames.
I've been contemplating getting some of those coloured contacts, my eyes are fine, I'm just tired of the same old colour. Maybe I'll get some cat eyes, or red, or something.