Wednesday 14 February 2007

doing the double

this is it for today because in about 25 minutes i'm due at work, and i'll be there until closing time that's about 13 hours today
i'm good, i can cope with that
although i'm on the cold counter at lunch time...making sandwiches and the like...that should be interesting!
gossip to follow at some point...not sure when though
so until i can give you some gossip, i suggest you go back and read yesterday's posts again...and come up with a sensible way to ask this girl out considering you all feel that's what i should do!
laters peeps


Alicia said...

Hey, make it sound fancier than "cold counter" by calling it the "Garde Manger Station". That's fancy talk for "Sandwich maker".
It looks great on a resume.

berly02 said...

13 hours is killer!
How do you do it Petey?

Sorry about the lurking. Sometimes I check all my favorite blogs at work and don't have the time to comment.

Lisa said...

Ask her out when you are ready, not when us girlies tell you

Before you're fat, forty and bald though k?

Natalia said...

Making money is always good, even on the cold counter.


Princess Pessimism said...

I jsut went and read over your posts...i cant believe youve never seen 16 candles!!

I also recommend Mothman prophecies, and A Bronx Tale. They're all fantastic movies.

~*Jobthingy*~ said...

1st off Happy Love Day! sucks you have to work so long.

and how to ask a girl out? well just ask!

ask her if she would like to join you for a coffee or a beer one night after a shift even. something easy to start. then if that goes well ask her to dinner ;)