Monday 5 February 2007

fragging marvelous

anyway its monday again
that means i'm going to the quiz again tonight
hpoefully this week our outing will be a little better than last week
we're heading in for food first on the basis that it might improve on the poor showing, the other option of course is combining our intellectual prowess with that of another team...super team style!
but lets be honest, what do i bring to the table? very little!
although in saying that i'm driving tonight so i guess i might be a little more sensible than last week...

work yesterday was pretty good, not worked today, spent the day watching discs 1&2 of battlestar galactica (2nd series) very cool, liked the end of the 8th episode where they used the original theme tune to the original series as the soundtrack to the "news report"

watched fast and the furious tokyo drift yesterday...liked it
liked the very last scene too...wonder how much that cost them
i won't spoil it if you haven't seen it, but the film in itself was very watchable

working tomorrow lunch time, maybe tomorrow evening, but that's only a maybe because i'm supposed to be taking mum out for some food...we shall have to see what pans out.

i'm debating cutting my hair, it could do with a trim, it's a bit of an afro again at the moment...still, means if i bump my head there's a bit of padding there...but i think it's time for a trim, shall be doing this one myself though :) back to the clippers

anyway, i've got a few things i need to deal with before i head having a shower and maybe tackling the haircut...also going to snatch a quick sandwich i think too, just so i don't make a massive pig out of myself...
hope everyone enjoyed their weekend
and for the record i watched the first 2 quarters of the superbowl, but seeing as that was after 1am then, i wasn't in the mood to sit through prince and then the rest of the match, i was a tired bunny by then
fingers crossed...and lindsey, i may have to bug you again tonight for an answer or two, but here's to hoping that i don't
laters peeps


Lisa said...

If you're watching BG then your title should be fracking marvelous

I love BG - So Say We All..

Steven said...

I watched none of the superbowl, so you did better than me. ;)


Natalia said...

I didn't watch the Stupid Bowl either.


Px said...

it's frag...not frack, there's an episode called fragged (s2ep3?)

Autumn Storm said...

Hey Petey - have been behind on my blog reading and just got caught up part of the ways at least. Good to hear things are going generally very well. :-) Have a great week ahead and I promise, this time I'll keep pace. :-)

~*Jobthingy*~ said...

you didnt stay up for prince? what am i going to do with you.

Alicia said...

We call it trivia here... and Chris loves it.
His brain is filled with sooo much useless knowledge. He can tell you all you need to know about the origin of the hammer and the nail, but God forbid he has to actually pick one up and use it! :)

Lisa said...

Its frack...

The word is Frack. It was made up and used back during the cheesy 1978 series to get around network sensors.

Yes, there is an episode called "Fragged." However, Frag, or "to frag" is an actual millitary phrase meaning: "To kill one's superior officer in the heat of battle."

Frag and frack are to different words with different meanings.

I am a geek...