Sunday 4 February 2007

the irony of the stars

ok this was the other thing i was going to blog about
i read my stars yesterday (i'm a scorpio for those who don't know or can't be bothered to work it out)
i don't go in for them as a rule, but sometimes you find something that makes you smile and/or laugh...well yesterday was one of those days
this is what Justin Toper had to say in the daily mail's saturday magazine
it just made me chuckle
"You're worrying unnecessarily about someone. There's not much you can do, though. It will turn out better than you think."
that's the whole thing that he wrote...seriously you can't call that an accurate reading for the day. but at the same time i can get it
weird huh?


~*Jobthingy*~ said...

uh. makes sense to me too.. oh right. cause im a worry wart and worry about people always.

nouseforaname said...

actually sometimes short and sweet is best... that makes sense....

Lisa said...

Im a Taurus, but Ill pretend to be a Scorpio just for that prediction

Knitty Yas said...

it sounds like it was all you needed. :)

i miss my tarots.

berly02 said...

I love to read my horoscope. They have to be right once in while right?

NotCarrie said...

I'm an Aquarius. I love to read my horoscope, but ignore it if I don't like it.