Sunday 7 September 2003

...let's see that again!
once again the title has little or no bearing on what i've actually got to say, but it's more fun that way

went out to celebrate a work mates 18th last night, got slightly drunk, not drunk enough to feel it this morning, but drunk enough...that should make some form of sense to someone surely! it was good, i had something in the region of 12 vodkas, one other random shot, and 4 bottles of beer, all in all quite a quiet night for me...

mum is getting annoying, she's been trying to set me up with one of her work mates daughters again, i know i have trouble getting a girl, but i don't need someone else's help, least of all my mum!

work has been going ok...ish!

everything else has been pretty quiet too

'nuff said
take care peoples

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