Thursday, 4 September 2003

...blah, blah, blah...
that's all i hear these days when someone is talking at me, people seem to have stopped talking to me and seem intent on talking at me, i'm sure you know what i mean by this, and subsequently i'm sure you know how irritating and infuriating it can be, when someone is "discussing" something with you without letting you get a word in anywhere, even when they ask for your opinion.
Stupid people
Rant #1 over! caution the implication is that there will be more rants at some point and the way i'm feeling i'd go with that

told mum and dad about my idea to go to dublin for my birthday, mum said "what on your own?" dad said "sounds like fun", how very different my parents are, so different it's comical sometimes, anyway if anyone is interested, i'm going to be looking up some prices today and see if there are any deals out there, never know if i say it's my b'day might get something special

went shopping yesterday, found a god deal in Virgin where i spent under £35 and got 3 albums, 1 dvd and 6 singles, not bad huh? and to top it off, i got my amazon order through today, increasing my imported cd's, i got 12 stones, justincase and familiar 48, it's all good.

big tunes at the moment:
pretty green eyes - ultrabeat, very not what i'd usually listen to, but i like it and i don't know why
space between - dave matthews band, why have i never really heard of this band, they are great, is it maybe because their unimaginative name doesn't relate very well to how good they actually are!
Crash - Propellerheads, it's an old tune, it was never to go into the charts and it's cool
We want fun - Andrew WK, i'm going to see him soon :D (still got spare tickets if anyone wants one)
Just the way it is - bruce hornsby, mentioned him before, it's a good tune
without you - justincase, they've got michelle branch with them on this track which is great
broken - 12 stones, look for this to be a single if they actually try and break the UK market
invisible man - theory of a deadman, i knew this track before i heard it on the album, think it's on the spiderman soundtrack, it's cool
All my friends crush you - neurotica, no idea why i've heard of these guys, or why i chose to download this track, but it's cool, heavy but not too heavy if you know what i mean

i have too much time on my hands and more money than sense, i wish there was a way to balance things out, maybe i could become a media jackass and write reviews for forthcoming albums and singles and get people to buy what i like listening to, that would be cool, although i'd probably take the piss a little and give really good reviews to bands that suck, just to see if i have the power to do so!

you guys remember the intel pentium 4 adverts? the ones with the blu men in? well those blue men have released an album and although i currently do not own said product, i have heard a few tunes from it and it's promising, absrtact and i doubt many people would like all they tunes, but they have collaborations with dave matthews and gavin rossdale, one song is even on the terminator 3 soundtrack. BTW they have the incredibly imaginative name Blue Man Group, but they do a lot of comedy stuff too which is oh so very cool

I'm at work again today and i've had enough of the bitching and back biting that goes on there, yesterday i nearly blew my top at one of the staff for complaining about something i didn't ask her to do, but she was doing it anyway, not my problem! the chief exec. came to site yesterday too, about an hour after the manager had gone home, i was there not being the DM, that's duty manager not danger mouse, but still had to tour him because the DM was busy playing chef in the kitchen, even though there was no-one to serve. And 2 minutes after he'd gone, i went around to the kitchen to find 6 members of staff leaning over the counter talking, one of the was the DM, i very nearly blew my top at the too, but it wasn't my job to, so i ignored them. The chief exec. seemed ok and he now knows my name and that i'm there and more than capable, got to be a good thing, right?
Rant #2 over, i'm not planning a third so you're ok

designed a tattoo for one of the guys i work with, he's having it for his 18th birthday, he seemed happy with it which is cool, i just need to get some better defination on it and tidy it up, looks to be about £100 worth of tattoo, my talent is wasted

right that's more than enough for today, i doubt i'll blog on for a few days now that i've got all that off my chest, but then again i'm working again today and tomorrow so there is still time for lots of things to go wrong, besides i might get some good prices for dublin and want to post them so you guys who might want to come know the score

take care peoples

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