Wednesday, 10 September 2003

just a quickie
Two points really quickly:
1) I've still got one spare ticket for Andrew WK, contact me if you want it;
2) my mobile is on the blink at the moment, should be getting a new handset and SIM courtesy of O2 sometime over the next few days which should sort out the problem, at the moment it's not letting me connect to the network and when it does, it's not letting me do anything at all with it! (if you want the AWK ticket, don't phone me for obvious reasons)

everything else is "Ok, Honest Guv"

went shopping yesterday and bought a load of stuff, which is always good, especially as most of it was in the sale, didn't get the one thing that i was thinking of getting though...because i forgot to look for it! typical of me really, might pop into reading tonight to get it there instead

anyway, take care peoples

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