Tuesday 7 March 2006

been in a foul mood today
i know why
talking about it won't help
don't ask me to
i have a song for saturday lined up...but it might change depending on if i can find my old shamen tape for in the car in the morning
the shamen were funny
i noticed that there have been issues with blogger this week (again) so i'm keping this short
PP i'll sort you out an email tomorrow
laters peeps


Autumn Storm said...

Sometimes it's great just to have a rage - cheerful 24/7/365 would be boring and monotonous :-)
Have a Happy Wednesday!

berly02 said...

How can you already have a saturday song? It's only tuesday??

Lindsey said...

Ahhhhh. It's something in the water. I've been bitchy all day.

So when's the website going to be all sorted out?

Miss Ash said...

I'm in a foul mood too.

Jennifer said...

It's so warm and lovely in T.O. I can't be crabby, but I'll fake it just for your benefit.

Jennifer said...

By the way, when I say warm and lovely, I mean hovering around 0 degrees celsius.

Princess Pessimism said...

Shit shit shit..i forgot to email you that stuff....

Akanksha said...

even i hav been in a really bad mood since yesterday.. had a fight with a friend then i heard that a guy is spreding nasty rumors abt me! .. arghhhhhhhhhh i hate guys.. they just blow everything out of proportion and then spread rumors to gain popularity!!!!!