Wednesday, 29 March 2006

i've been put in my place :)
said old flame from yesterday has read what i had to say about me and her chatting and emailed me about it with a re-write of that paragraph:
i've been emailing an old flame from uni- i got her interested and then dumped her for someone else, i got in touch with her through and we've been having a good chat and catch up, which is great because she has obviously just about forgiven me. if you're reading, hey! :o) i'm really sorry to have been such a pig and trampled all over your feelings it's been really good to catch up with her and i've found myself waiting to hear from her again because she's so lovely ( more now than then)
i've chosen to post this because she IS lovely and i AM sorry
although i'm not sure there was someone else, i was a pig and i did trample her feelings. it was unintentional and i didn't realise i hurt her. i would hide behind the fact that i'm a bloke and as such i never think about other peoples feelings (true as it sounds) but i've decided not to, instead, i'm a bloke, but more than that i am an inconsiderate and pig-headed arse at times
i'm not saying this because i'm trying to justify myself to you, i'm saying this because it's the truth.

by the way...this is post no #300

there are some videos on the office blog so go and check out what we do when the boss isn't around!!!


Lindsey said...

As a girl that's been's so refreshing to find a man that can admit that he was a complete ass and that she really was a great girl and he's sorry. Seriously...if it were my ex saying those things..I'd be in heaven. Just to know.

Katie said...

like linny said...i have been there and i could only wish that my x would say that...

Fuckkit said...

300th post? Does that mean you get a medal? :P

Px said...

linny & katie
i'm glad i can show you that there are some decent men out there, and by decent i mean men that apologise

i wish it did, bu alas nay, i think you have to post a few more

Jennifer said...

It's a rare boy who'll apologize, it's a rare girl who will ask for that apology. Congrats to both of you. I always pretend that nothing happened and then harbour resentment.

Jennifer said...

congrats on your blogiversary too!

berly02 said...

Oh, I missed yesterday's post, I would have totally shown you my tits had I read the post yesterday. Damn, I'm so upset that I missed that. ;)

You were mean to a girl?

Miss Ash said...

I thought my office was kind of fun.....but not quite as fun as your office appears.

Autumn Storm said...

Sounds like a whole heap of potential :-)

Isn't friendsreunited just the best site?? Have found 4 close friends through there and re-established the friendships, been to visit some, going to visit others soon.