Wednesday, 1 March 2006

The Pete Collective - Give Pete A Chance
it would appear that pete is the new black!
i found this site a couple of weeks ago and it's weird what some people out there will do, but kinda cool at the same time. basically this guy was set a challenge to find 200 petes, but this seemed fairly pointless as there was no drive behind it! so after finding out about 345 maria's in spain had set a world record for the number of people with the same name in one place, pete (not me) decided that he could breakt that record. that is until dubai stepped up to the plate and had some 1500 muhammed's all meet up. so the challenge is for 2000 pete's, i've signed up because dammit this is the only way i'm going to break any records! that and i'm called pete!
anyway, have a look around the site, it's scary the effort this guy has gone to, i've even go so far as to order myself a p-shirt which will make it's way on to HNT as soon as i've got it!
it sounds kinda dave gorman, but who cares! (for those who don't know about dave gorman, his mate danny wallace set him a challenge to find 52 other dave gormans, he wrote a book about it, he had a show at the edinburgh fringe festival, i think he even made it onto tv about it, he convinced 3 people to change their names to dave gorman, including 2 women, he found daves in the US and in italy. anyway he found them all, and took danny wallace along for the ride. during all this time they never met another danny wallace! the book's very good though and i recommend it to anyone)
if you know a pete
you know where to send him
take care peeps and petes alike


Jennifer said...

This reminds me of a reoccurring sketch by the Canadian comedy group Kids in the Hall called "Thirty Helens Agree..." Look into it, the Kids in the Hall are hilarious.

Autumn Storm said...

Fun! :-)
Known quite a few Petes in my time, all back in London and all Irish builders and none that I am in touch with anymore, sorry :-)
Good luck though!

Natalia said...

OMG...Petey that is hilarious. If you end up going, wherever it is... you must must must take pictures and all sorts of crap for the blog.

It is all rather pointless but it's a lot of fun. :)


Fuckkit said...

I'm trying to remember if I've ver met a Pete and y'know what, I'm not sure that I have.

Lindsey said...

You're the only Pete I've ever known...