Saturday 9 December 2006

again with the saturday shit

why is it that this saturday, just like last saturday, i feel like shit?
i feel lost and alone
i went shopping with my mum earlier and the intention was to get some new shoes/trainers for me so that my feet don't ache so much with this new job of mine (yeah the cafe thing that i don't really like)
we went into the first shop and i didn't see anything that i liked, we go into the next one and it's the same story. i know that there's a rule in shopping that you've got to look at everything in the store, then move on to the next store and do the same thing, and repeat it in every store you go into. well i'm not like that, i have a cursory glance around the merch and if there's nothing that grabs my eye straight away, then there's nothing there that i want. this continues in every store we go in this morning (there are only 2 shoe stores in didcot) we went into a pile of other shops for her to look and see if there was anything she could buy someone or if there was anything in these shops that i wanted...there wasn't. and it didn't matter how many shops we went into, there still wasn't any thing that i wanted.
i had a serious fug on this morning
if lifted briefly at lunch time when i got a call to say my new rims had arrived for my car, went down to get them, washed the car and went to fit them, only to find that they'd supplied the wrong nuts for the car...easily remedied by a quick trip back to the store and them giving me the right nuts for the wheel and giving me £20 back because they'd over charged me
got home and didn't fit the wheels anyway, wasn't in the mood then
the fug returned
and i've not been able to shake it all day
it's got something to do with the previous post
and i wish i could elaborate, but i can't because i have no idea what to do
anyway it's saturday night, i've spent the evening in my own company (probably best) watching some wrestling that i wasn't really paying attention to and generally feeling crappy i also posted a new bit of writing over on the storyboards site if you want to go and see
tomorrow is sunday and i know that i've got to go xmas shopping, but you know what, i can't be bothered with it, like i said last week xmas this year will be no fun at all.
i've lost my spirit
i'm done peeps


Autumn Storm said...

What makes you happy for no real reason? Bathe in it. And go on that trip, Petey, it'll do you the world of good.
Hope it lifts asap, x

Princess Pessimism said...

Shoe shopping is blissful. You just have to take your time, and picture what each pair of shoes would look like with certain outfits that you have :)

Natalia said...

I think it's normal to have the blues around this ime when things are not going the way you wanted them to. Don't be discouraged. Roll on 2007!


Lindsey said...

Can I just say that I HATE shoe shopping. That's enough to depress the hell out of anyone!

Px said...

i want to, but i'm still not sure
as for bathing in the happiness, there isn't any anymore

you're not getting it, i was shoe shopping for shit therefore shoping for work stuff=even more boring shit

i'm considering cancelling xmas this year

it was depressing, very depressing

Teri said...

So sorry about your fug. Is there anything we can do? Nice rims however!

Px said...

cuddles are always good :)

AMS said...

UUUUUGGGGHHH nothing worse than shopping for something you need - you're guranteed not to find it.

However if you aren't looking for it.......

Shopping would put anyone in a bad mood at this time of year. You have to bloody fight your way through the aisles!