Monday 4 December 2006

i should be making a curry right now

but i'm not
i'm feeling very lazy and i've not even started to prep it yet!!!
i'm going to be omaned at when my mother comes home :(

but that's besides the's quiz night at my "local" (i say it like that because it's a good 5+ minutes drive form my home to the pub and i drive quick). but unlike last week when i was a happy member of my own little team(sax and violins) this week i'm either going to be totally on my own or ive got to join another team...might do that, with the mad knowledge skills that were displayed last week by my team (which consisted of just jenfer and i) i think that i'll probably join another team this week and see what happens there...

nothing's been said about me going to mexico yet, but then no-one really knows as yet, i'm waiting until i've got some more info about it and if i'm actually going before i even think about talking to my mum about it.

but i had a good end to the weekend yesterday, and work today wasn't too bad. and i've got 4 interviews this week, and that number might go up even further, we'll see...three of them are tomorrow!

right that's my monday mundane stuff out of the way, just remember tomorrow is TMI tuesday (be warned that you might find out something that you really didn't need to know about me if you're unlucky)

took a pic the other day and emailed it to linny, might use it as my HNT this week, not sure yet though might take a different one...different but the same

anyway i'd better head off and start the curry, take care
laters peeps


Miss Ash said...

Man that's a lot of interviews in one day. Good luck..

Anonymous said...

I hate interviews and you with 3 in one day! Good luck. I never tried curry?

FU said...

u smell like goat.

coz u cooked curry.

u stinky man.

Px said...

ash, thanks, i'm hoping that with this many interviews ina a short space of time i'll get something :)

teri, hi and thanks :) but you should go and try curry

fu, i ended up doing some pasta thing in the end, was feeling too lazy to do a curry

Lindsey said...

You cook?

Damn. Men here don't cook.

Natalia said...

Sounds like things are definitely looking up!


Px said...

i do more than cook love ;)

things are looking prospective, i've got fingers crossed

Lindsey said...

Awwwww. Okay...must teach American men to cook and refer to women as Love.