Saturday 16 December 2006

friday stuff on saturday

does this mean that instead of being in a fug all day today i'll be in the fug tomorrw?
i hope not because today i'm feelin ALL GOOD!

right friday stuff:
how international is this? the other day at the cafe (now not called work because i no longer work there...more on that in a minute) 2 aussies came in, they worked for a company called europa and they ordered a full english breakfast...
i know it's not that interesting, but it made me smile. then i got to thinking, i know there's a full english, and a full irish (pretty much the same thing, only you get one in ireland...can you guess which?) ubt do you get a full french, or is that the same as a continental? what about a full australian? or a full spanish?
(i did debate putting down a full brazilian, but we all know you canget one of them, and it's ain't breakfast...although i'm sure you can have one for breakfast if she's willing to let you nibble)

ok the cafe situation
i worked nicely this week, only to be told yesterday that as of monday the woman that i replaced is coming back...and therefore putting me out of a job again
not that i'm bothered beause i wasn't that keen on it anyway
i didn't have a contract and i wasn't actually getting that much in the way of cash
the one thing that i did take away with me it a bad back
and shoulder
and feet
and the knowledge that if i called the EHO then they'd laugh at the "risk" assessments that there.
from working in leisure and writing the risk assessments for leisure centres, i know that there's a lot of things that can go wrong. one of the biggest risk assessments that in undertaken is the fire risk assessment, it's so big that there are people out there that have set up companies that solely do this for people. anyway i digress, the last fire risk assessment i wrote had it's own file on the shelf and was all in all some 50 pages long, covering everything from sources of ignition and fuel to the exit routes and the departmental duties. the fire risk assessment for the cafe was 3 pages long, including a map of the exit routes...
so glad i'm not there anymore...just now i need to find another job :(

got an interview on wednesday with soll again, but this time in a wet centre...that's one with a swimming pool...
should be better than the last, although i thikn i know the 2 people who are interviewing me (one is the woman from last time)
also got a "job chat" with the bloke who runs a recruitment agency just so he can put a name to a face

still haven't got our tree out, it's still in the loft

ok...comments from my HNT (i'm answering in this post because i didn't answer them in the comments bit of the last post...anyway i'm babbling)
you know i was going to one day anyway :)
bleeding eyes, that's not good...
christmas this year will have been and gone before i get into the spirit i think (although getting into the spirits might help me get in the spirit)
like i said, mine's stilll in the box...i've no idea if we've even got any decorations
sorry for shocking you...
that is a pierced scrotum pierced scrotum
sorry dude, but i did give a little warning, although in retrospect it probably wasn't enough
it's all good, it's all fun too and it certainly doesn't get in the way :)
anonymous (autumn?)
gah nothing... :oP

as with fridays i'm offering a song again (even though it's saturday)
i know you're going to love this one
it's amazing
it's been in my head for a while
but it's all good...seriously
this week i give you:
you can call me al by paul simon
no idea why other than it makes me smile and cheers me up and it's a funky tune

laters peeps
i'll fill you in on the reasons for no mexico and no women soon too


Lisa said...

When in Paris, we went to an Irish bar where I was served by a Frenchman speaking English in an American accent because he learnt it by watching American TV

I know I was drunk but it was a surreal moment

Miss Ash said...

I think i've only had about 4 jobs in my entire seem to switch yours rather often. I hate change LOL

Knitty Yas said...

i think i cant stand working in the same place too long... doing the same boring unchallenging thing day after day... but then im a writer... when i get bored i utilize company time to write novels. lol

and ya know.. a sufficient warning about your nut piercing would have been

just a suggestion for next time. :p

Autumn Storm said...

Yes, sorry forgot to sign my name, that was me having blogger issues.

Silver linings, bummer to be out of a job from Monday, but now you get to have Christmas off work and you're out of a job that you didn't like. :-)

Best of luck with the interview, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.