Monday 11 December 2006


for those of you who got a 4 page midnight text message last night

i'm not feeling any better

i'm not doing very well

i've been sent home sick from work today because of my stomach acting up again due to the stress

i hate myself so much right now that i just want to disappear

and i still need that release, i'm still contemplating doing what i swore i'd never do again just to get it, i'm trying so hard ot be stong, but i think i'm failing myself now

and now i'm crying again!

FUCK! get a grip!


AMS said...

Oh no!!! I know its pointless saying cheer up but is it really that bad?

If it makes you feel better Id love to have been sent home from work today. Nothing like a duvet day to catch up on all my favourite crap tv - Im talkin Oprah, judge judy and if Im ultra lucky back to back reruns of Jades PA. Oh the shitness of it all

Anonymous said...

Been trying to think of things to say to try and cheer you up, but it's none of my business really..

If it's any help at all, I'm also feeling like complete shit.

Don't do it though, if it's what I think it is, it's not worth it.

Hope you feel OK soon.

Alison x

Katie said...

like arms said, its pointless saying cheer up. but i will do it any way so cheer the fuck up damit! lol
whatever your thinking about doing don't. it does not seem like a good ldea.

Miss Ash said...

It's not worth it, you've done well! Is there any other way to release the pain rather than cutting?

Steven said...

Sorry things have gone so much to shit.

It may sound kind of lame, and simplified, but I hope things improve.


Natalia said...

If you are talking about what I think you are talking about, don't. Look, if you read my post, I am not doing too well right now either, but I do remind myself that things do get better.


And you know where I am if you need a chat.


Px said...

welcome back, sorry you've found me at such a bad time
whats jades pa?
i'm not sure if it really is that bad, but it seems it

thanks for the sentiment and you're right it's not worth it

thanks to you too

i've not done it yet and i don't intend to do it, but part of me wants to do it. as for another way to release, i'm not sure

thanks to you as well
things will improve, i jst don't know how or when

i know things will get better, i'm just tired of waiting for that to happen
and thanks for offering to chat, ubt you know i can't

Lindsey said...

Oh Pete. My favorite thing to say when things have gone completely to shit (as they are quite frequently these days...just for the record)...I throw my hands up and yell..."OH FOR FUCK'S SAKE!!!"

I've uttered that phrase multiple times over the last couple of weeks. Who am I kidding...I used it multiple times TODAY. *Sigh* We're all going through crap...and all I can say is, "hang on for dear life until the ride is over."

Autumn Storm said...

when things are this bad, there is really nothing or no-one else to consider. You need to find a way out of there and to a place that affords you the things that you want out of life. No excuses, no delays. I told you this already, but I think you should go on that trip to Mexico. I feel it in my bones that this would be the right thing for you to do, put everything else aside and just go. Life has a way of sorting itself out, but sometimes, Pete, you need to take the initiative.
Bear hugs to you. Look after yourself, x