Tuesday 26 December 2006

the day after

well yesterday was pretty cool, it was good to have the family around and it was really good not to have my dad around. i know that sounds weird, but every year he takes over, i swear he's always been a bigger kid than i ever was. and by take over i mean he's in charge, he dictates which present can be opened, and when. he doesn't cook, but he planned it all for when my mum should be doing things in the kitchen "shouldn't the turkey be in the oven by now?". if family were coming, he'd get anxious if they were running late, on several occasions i had to call my brother to find ot where he was and when he was getting here just to appease my dad.

presents this year were few, but that's cool, i'm old now and i don't expect to get anything anyway, i suspect that if i get round to having kids i'll be more into christmas again, but at the moment it's a bit of a wasted day on me... anyway i got money, a cd that i already own, series 5 of family guy on dvd (i've never really seen it before, but now i'm going to have to go out and hunt down the other 4 series...) when will jesus bring the pork chops by george carlin and make love* (*the bruce campbell way) by bruce campbell...and sweets. my mum has a tradition of giving me flumps (they're marshmallows) every year which was cool :)

the night before christmas
as you know i was working, i invited people over, people that i would've seen if i'd not been working, and some came, others had family things to do, so that was cool. and it started off quiet and i thought that it was going to be just another sunday...it wasn't, it was busier than it was on friday in there...some of my friends that i know through the pub left at 7 when it was still quiet and came back around 10 ish to find the place heaving with people. i got to sit with them for a while and have a pint, i think i'd earned it and the landlord didn't mind. we ended up serving until midnight (90 minutes longer than normal) and i think i left there about half past, but it was cool. i took home one of the barmaids and her mate because i'd offered to drive for them so they could both have a drink, i'm such a good boy! think i got home about 1.15, mum got me up at 8, but in fairness she did cook me breakfast in bed (she did it again this morning)

anyway i think that's all the christmas news
was thinking of hitting the sales today, i've been told it's quite quiet in oxford today so i might pop over there after lunch and spend some of that money :)
i hope you all got what you wanted for christmas, and spent a nice day with the people who love you.
laters peeps


Knitty Yas said...

all my people were in california. together. i was stuck here. crappaayy. shiiittttaaayyy. whatever. lol i got nothing for xmas. i didnt expect anything. its cool. i sat around and watched old movie (everything prior to 1960) all day long. it was sweet. im glad you got to spend xmas with your family.

so ... what did you buy me? :p

can't blame a girl for tryin.

Lisa said...

Glad you had a good day.

I don't get many presents but my girls were happy and thats all that matters

Natalia said...

Sounds like you got nice pressies and a nice time. You can't beat that. And, plus, you can just pop over to Oxford. I'd love to be able to do that.


Lindsey said...

So glad you wound up having a nice time. It rained her all day. Was pretty gloomy...but it's okay. Got to spend time w/ the baby and ate good food.