Wednesday, 31 January 2007
alright peeps?
i think that's down to playing lego starwars for 2 hours straight...but i could be wrong
still it's an awesome game and worth the time :)
anyway, due to a lack of anything else to say i'm offering up a ticket to anyone and everyone to ask me anything they want to know
if there's something that you've been dying to's the time
ask away
questions an answers will be posted together on friday i've got until then :)
laters peeps
belated TMI
prom women tend to get a bad reputation, whereas prom men tend to be able to brag about it more...i think it's just another cultural double standard that i just don't agree with.
2 Suppose you've been dating someone for a year, and they're slowly getting fat. Does this romance have long-term potential?
i don't have a problem with someone putting on weight, as long as they don't lose the thing that got me interested in them at first i don't care what they do
3 If you have five VERY successful dates with someone, are you a couple?
dunno, surely by this time you'd be looking to have a chat about that sort of thing definately, if you haven't already done so. it depends on the people though, personally i'd want to find out what was going on, it's pointless you thinking you're a couple and the other thinking that you're not...
4 When you have a "toe-curling" orgasm, do your does curl up, or down?
can't honestly say that i've ever had one...and if i had, i sure as hell wouldn't have been looking at my toes!
5 Can great sex be reason enough to stay in a relationship? (What about just okay sex?)
i wouldn't say it's a reason to stay, sex can be just sex. if it's good or even great, then that's definately a benefit...
Bonus (as in optional): When you're unhappy in a relationship, do you treat the other person badly? Examples we've tried: causing jealousy, picking fights, withholding sex, getting real quiet.
i have an internal self-destruct button and i just either say that it's not working or become an arsehole
that's my TMI
sorry it's late things took my attention away from blogging yesterday
but i WILL be back later today
Tuesday, 30 January 2007
morning peeps
no doubt i'll be back later to TMI and have a proper up date
just wanted to say (in the words of hannibal)
i love it when a plan comes together :)
last night i had a blast
and i'm not going to knock jenfer's driving, even if we did go all the way around a roundabout because she was on autopilot or the fact that she missed the turning for my road...
and i've got to thank lindsey for helping with a couple of american sports related answers.
love you for that :)
and sax and violins was re-incarnated
although we were pretty poor to be honest
next week i vote we go and join the team that i've been playing with recently
the background music for the quiz was mine as well...i took some cd's in with me on sunday that i'd burned that afternoon giving more of a range of music and basically giving something new to listen to. well last night, the quiz master decided to stick my cd on in the background. it's also given him a few ideas for future music rounds too :)
i didn't help behind the bar, she told me not to bother and that she'd be ok...
fine by me
i sat there and had the back log of pints that have been bought for me over the last few weeks and got to a nicely merry place
anyway like i said, i'll be back later after i've been to work
on a side note i downloaded Ca Plane Pour Moi today...very funny :)
and i'm looking for a copy of "Howard the duck" if anyone knows of a good place to find it i'd be very happy
laters peeps
Monday, 29 January 2007
the plan
drink drink
ok maybe not fly
maybe the plan should be:
get drink
drink drink
win quiz
unlikely to happen though
ok revised:
get drink
drink drink
do quiz and enjoy
yeah, that works for me :)
you ever had one of those days?
the ones that no matter how much of a downer things might be around you, you just can't help but be bouyant?
i'm having one of them
today i'm still waiting to hear back from al the interviews and applications from last week, and with every passing minute i can feel the positive vibes seeping away to be replaced with the monotony of yet another dumbass rejection based on me being too experienced or not experienced enough to suit people's expectations. well even though this should be's not
and i have no idea why
i'm just having one of those days
today i went to speak to some people about getting some advice with regards to having to find someplace to live fairly soon. and they couldn't help me today and i'd have to make an appointment to come back and speak to them when it was more convenient to them...yeah great, no problems...i'm just having an issue that needs advice, but you know what, i'll come back when it suits you!
but you know what, i sat there when i heard this and thought...ok, fair enough
my mum has the week off this week, which is going to hit into my 'net time because she'll want to know why i need to spend so much time online, wasting her electric. but she is at least being civil and letting me get up without her bugging me too much...although this morning she decided that she was going to do some DIY and therefore was banging around a bit, we've also played cards, she whooped me! i wanted to hit the PS2 for a while and have another bash at lego starwars, but that didn't happen, maybe in a bit though.
anyway things are looking up today and i have no clue why, none at all
i'm off to the quiz tonight with jenfer, we're reforming sax and violins i think tonight, which means i won't see much of tango girl, probably a good thing because otherwse it'd just be in my head again...
thought that i might hve to make an emergency appointment with my dentist the other day because i had a bad toothache, but it's gone again today...that's me sticking my head in the sand good and proper. me and dentists do not mix well...i've threatened to bite the current one before, but he's better, much better than the last one i used to see...
he numbed one tooth and then said, "opps! i've just numbed the wrong tooth, it'll be ok though, you shouldn't feel a thing" needless to say he was wrong and he had to stop before i punched him because i'd gone very pale...
that experience didn't sit too well with me, so i tend to avoid the dentist if i can help it
i would say to expect double posts at least this week because i'm working lunchtimes at the pub on a few days, so there'll probably be a pre- and post- work blog session...we shall have to wait and see though
if not there will certainly be some emails flying around i think...
laters peeps
Saturday, 27 January 2007
mini post
i'm not feeling 100% today, mother blames it on my playing too much lego star wars on my playstation
she's probably right, it's either that or the fact that i've only had one meal all day and i can only remember having 2 drinks...
oh well
laters peeps
Friday, 26 January 2007
friday funtime
it's friday and i'm late posting for some reason!
yesterday's interview was pretty good, obviously though because of the women involved with the interview on wednesday and the fact that i was interviewed by a bloke yesterday i think i know which one i'd prefer ;)
although the interview yesterday could lead to a job that pays more, i thikn that the one from wednesday would lead to a better job...and that's not because of the women
worked in the pub last night, found out that my friend the chef was sacked on monday. short story is that he wanted the day off, he was told that he could only have it if he found his own cover because the landlord had already made plans. cover was found, but the guy who was due to cover broke his ankle the other week, so couldn't do it. chef was told on friday (according to the notices at work) that he couldn't have the time off as a result. he called in on monday morning and said that he wasn't coming in and would be back in on tuesday. landlord found this unacceptable as chef is a department head and was let go.
this is a shame, because chef is bloody good at what he does, but i know that he's been unhappy there for a while too. anyway as a result landlord is now spending a lot of time in the kitchen, so more hours are available on the bar/waiting. so i agreed to do them.
i respect chef and his choices, and if i had a full time job i might back him up a bit more. but, and i hope he understands this, at the moment i've got to take all the work i can, especially after what the benefit people told me on tuesday (go back and have a look if you want the details). so as much as i feel i might be letting him down by almost siding with the landlord, i've got to do things for me. I've put other people first in the past and that caused a lot of heartache and shit for me, which i'm still dealing with now. right now and for the forseeable future, i'm number one priority, i'm doing things for me now and that's the bottom line.
that means that i worked lunchtime today, easy work, although we were expecting a rush that didn't really happen. the other barmaid has only been on the bar for 3 weeks, and the waitress started last week...but we did well and we were spot on with the till too :)
i feel like it's going to be a long weekend, i've got a pile of things that i need to sort through and get rid of the crap and deal with the rest. i've been invited out clubbing by the girl who split with me because i don't like clubbing...yeah that doesn't make sense to me either, but apparently i'm a good laugh to be around so she' like me to come out with her and her sister...i'm undecided, although i think i know what i'll say...thanks, but no thanks
got a headache coming on
can you get a headache from eating too many prawn crackers? (he says reaching for another)
i now have friends on myspace and facebook (look back a couple of days it's all there in b&w) but remember peeps this is my home and this is where i'm more comfortable saying things and showing off the joke that is my body
Music Code provided by Song2Play.Com
ok this is it peeps, this is the song for the weekend
it's an awesome tune and something i'd not heard in a while until i played it yesterday. only problem is that the copy ive got of this song is scratched :(
but that's ok because i just downloaded it ;)
love this song for so many sticks to the metal/rock that i grew up with, but it's got such a positive vibe about it :)
anyway peeps that's me done for the day
those of you who won't be back, have a good weekend, see you monday
those of you who will, i'll be about tomorrow at some point i'm sure :)
laters :)
Thursday, 25 January 2007
not a particularly interesting shot this week, but there's flesh on show for you
HHNT peeps
that was madness yesterday
yesterday's interview went really well i hope
the company is a small company, but they do big work, the role that i was applying for was a events assistant, meaning i'll be working as part of the events team for one of the big clients that they do all the marketing and pr for (volvo). not only will i be part of that team though, i'll also be working in the finance department with regards to that position.
it's the kind of job that i could really see myself getting into and enjoying
but i won't hear anything from them for a few days yet
got another interview today at 1pm
this one is the leisure manager one, the money will be better than most of the other things i've been doing/going for, but it's just a wonder as to if i'll be able to get it. I'm going to be positive about it though, it's going to go well, and the bloke is going to be impressed by my skills and abilities, as well as my knowledge. and it's a company that i've worked for before, so they should be able to dig out some info about me
and because the interview is with a bloke i should be able to concentrate a little more than i could yesterday, only because yesterday's interview was with a very attractive woman
i've got women on the mind at the moment
last week it was the two receptionists at the recruitment agency, this week it's not only the receptionists but the women doing the interviews as well
as well as all the usual culprits, real and blogger related
laters peeps
Wednesday, 24 January 2007
posting frenzy
thought i'd break it down for you all so that if you wanted to comment about something in particular you could stick it in with the right post rather than trying to remember what you're commenting about all the time...i have trouble with that
so this is the index to the mammoth session that i've had today:
Give me a break (holiday needed)
the weather
benefits crap
Another day, another interview
what i should do about her...i think
why am i so tired?
what's with facebook all of a sudden?
so yeah i think i went a little overboard with all that, and somewhere in there was my 450th post too
anyway i'm glad it's all out there
sorry it's a lot to read
laters peeps
give me a break (holiday needed)
i need a holiday
seriously people
it's getting to me
all the stuff that s going on is draining me of my natural zest for life, i've almost lost the passion these days and everything is becoming a chore
(apart from blogging it would many posts today?)
so i am in serious need of a break, a holiday, some time off, an escape option
although i have no plan to do this just yet, i could do with getting away
i think as soon as i get a job i'm going to go and book my ass on a holiday to some place hot (ish) and away from here so that i can chill and get myself back on track...although i can see this being a while yet
also i want my own space, so the plan is as follows
1) get job
2) get own place to live in...pref cheap rent
3) book holiday for 6 months down the line
4) chill
sound like a plan?
does to me
Laters peeps
the weather
i say today
i actually mean overnight it snowed
and as such i was woken up by my mum at 2am to tell me that it was snowing thick and fast
like i'm not having enough issues with my sleep pattern as it is
anyway i thought i'd actually dreamt this happening
but when i woke up at 7 i thought i should roll over and have a look out the window (it being too dark at 4 and 6) and although it was still fairly dark i could see that yes it had indeed snowed during the night
when i got up at 9, a fair bit of it had gone, now most of it has...oh well
this is the UK
the weather is crap
and i'm sure that somewhere in the country someone was "taken by surprise" and as such the trains won't be running, the power is out or the roads are closed...because this is the UK and we can never get it right
laters peeps
benefits crap
remember i said the other week that i'd swallowed my pride and signed on, well yesterday was the appointment to see how much i can claim each week...should be good right?
well basically i can claim upto just under £60 a week...yeah, in my old jobs i've earned more than that in a day, but you know, money is needed.
ok sounds good, right, money for nothing and all that
well because i work part time at the pub, any earnings i get from there counter against anything that i can claim.
how it works:
as long as i work under 16 hours a week i can make a claim
the first £5 i earn is not counted (that's less than an hours work by the way as minimum wage is now £5.35 p/h)
after that they take what i earn off the £60 that i can claim...
now working in the pub, i only work for 10 1/2 hours a week normally
and i take home (after tax) £57.75
this means that i can claim about £7...whooppee!!!
now, because i'm on basic rate tax at the pub, because it was originally taken on as a second job, i get taxed heavily. i was told yesterday that i should change my tax code to what it should be, this will increase my weekly take about £70 a week...
but, if i'm taking home that much then i'm not going to be claiming anything am i!
so after years of paying taxes for people who weren't earning themselves, i'm now one of these people who isn't earning enough, and as such i'm eligable to claim some of the money i've paid out in tax...but i'm not because i have a part time job and earn too much through that!
how crap is that?
anyway i've got to sign on every other week and see if i can get my £7 or not, which i will give straight to my mum because i want to help out around the house, not that £7 will do much
laters peeps
another day another interview
monday i had an interview with a company that sells pee funnels for women, it was ok, but i don't know if i liked it enough to think that i could work there, i think it was more about the guy rather than the place though.
today i have another interview, it looks like a good place to work and the job sounds enjoyable (even though it's in the finance sector). the company have even won awards for being a good place to work. sounds good right? i've got my fingers crossed anyway. but it wasn't until this morning that the recruitment agent actually sent me the confirmation through...dammit talk about cutting it fine!
tomorrow i've got an interview that seems a good prospect too, it's back into leisure, but as a "business manager" this time, so basically running the centre...something that i know i can do, but it's been a while since i did it. it's also with a company that i used to work for, i was with them over 9 years in total, so they'll have some details about me i should think anyway.
friday i've got an interview in london, there's no way i'll accept this position if i get offered it, so why am i going? interview experience, the more i do, the more i can do at the next one right? i wouldn't accept it because it's in london and as much as i need a job i don't think i could afford to live there, and i certainly couldn't afford to travel there every day...anyway, you never know, it might be the dog's bollocks of a job and therefore i might take it...i don't know
then in about 3 weeks i've got another one for a job that i'd forgotten about, it's something sciencey and is local, there's on the job training and it should be a fairly good position should i get it, with plenty of opportunities, and if i do get it, a friend's mum has offered to help me out with the training aspect too
i've also got a few more applications laying around that i need to fill in and send off
things want to be looking up
then i can go on holiday :)
what i should do about her...i think
i'm not putting my head in the sand
i'm being cautious and waiting for a while
if it's going to happen it will at some point
and then that'll be cool
but the more i think about it now and worry about it now the more i'm going to wind myself up and in doing that i'm just going to get more and more paranoid and stressed about it when i've got so much else on my plate, right?
if i'm going to learn how to dance with her, then i can wait until then before i see about getting to know her better. and it'll a good reason to get her number then as well...
so i've made my plan and now i'm sticking to it
laters peeps
why am i so tired?
at the moment i'm usually wide awake until after midnight, i then wake up around 4am and 6am and usually again around 7am as well...but then i sleep in until about 9-10am unless i have a reason to get up (like an interview or something)
i've not managed to sleep a whole night through for a while, i have no idea why either...
is it because i'm wound up about the job thing...or lack thereof?
is it because of a certain lady who i keep thinking about?
is it because i'm running out of money at the moment and as much as i want to help my mum with things i can't?
the answer is yeah probably
you remember that dream i had about me needing a new heart valve and then a new heart? well becca did some research for me (thanks becca:) )
and she came up with the following excerpts for me:
"Dreams of the heart symbolise love, willpower, committment, and the strength of the heart. If you dream of a broken, or sick, heart, then you may be grieving over attachments from a previous relationship, and dealing with issues of betrayal, thwarted intentions and unfullfilled desires."
"Dreaming of your heart may represent your emotions and longings. But it can also simply depict your sense of self. It may represent inner feelings, secret thoughts, or your conscience. You can take heart, and so carry on through difficulties, or lose heart and give up. In some dreams, the heart symbolizes worries you may have about your health. It may not be that you have *heart* problems, but simply that because of feeling down, your "heart" is not in what you are doing, so you have no zest for life."
"Valve - Dreams of a valve are about your ability to control, manipulate, and/or regulate the flow of abundance, joy, and creative energy in your life. If you dream that a valve is shut off, then you are coming to realize that you have the ability to turn it on; however, if your dreams involve a valve not working properly, then you may be feeling out of contro or somewhat powerless."
I read into that what i wanted, but i was curious to what she thought they meant i am about what you all think based upon what i've just put in here...
i'll add my thoughts in the comments section
laters peeps
what's with facebook all of a sudden?
jenfer also did the same thing
so i signed up and filled in the bare bones of the profile thing and i thought nothing else of it
over time i got a few more invites from my friends so eventually i started filling in a few more things about me on there
but i can't understand it
when i was in the pub on monday night there were a lot of people suddenly talking about it, and i don't know why
it's like myspace
why do people use these sites?
are they a way of keeping in contact with people?
are they more than just a place to put yourself out there?
or are they just another profile site?
i just don't understand it
anyway if anyone has either facebook or myspace, feel free to add me, but you'll find i'm on my blog a lot more than i'm on either of them...
Laters peeps
Tuesday, 23 January 2007
it's a pie with cream in/on it...d'uh
although the pie in question might be of the furry variety if you're of course referring to the pornographic intonation of the term
2. Once a cheater, always a cheater. True or false... why?
depends on the person, some people lie and cheat because of insecurities, some do it for the thrill, some do it by "accident" (these usually involve alcohol)
there is no reason to believe that if someone has don't it once they will do it again, but then there is no reason to believe the opposite either
3. Where is the female G spot and how do you find it?
that varies from person to person
although it's usually located on the front wall about 2" in
4. Is there a correlation between shoe size and penis size?
everything's got to be in proportion i guess, but that doesn't mean that there's a correlation, it's not something i've researched, but i've got size 12 feet if that helps
5. Can women have wet dreams?
of course they can!
Bonus (as in optional): Take a wild guess, how many calories are in a man's average ejaculation?
i'd say under 10...but i have no idea
TMI done for the week, sorry it's not very elaborate, got a few things on my mind at the moment which i may or may not blog about
by the way i'm still hoping that someone will give me a holiday or at least help me out a little
i'll be back at some point today
laters peeps
there'll be TMI i guess too, but i've not bothered to look yet
anyone want to give me a holiday?
Monday, 22 January 2007
just another manic monday?
yep, that's right, it's a funnel for women to pee into s that they can pee while standing (there's a medical use for this too...peeing into a specimen bottle)
interesting huh?
well the "office" looked more like someones very untidy living room
the guy who interviewed me wasn't ready for me (fair enough i arrived a little early...but still!)
apparently the company has someone interested in buying it out
and he's not going to make a decision for at least 3 why interview me now?
the interview itself was pretty good
he aired his concerns that i haven't got much sales experience and that i'd not stayed in some of my previous employments for much over a year, i explained the situation behind these choices and i hope he thought the answers were satisfactory...and if not, oh well
i had to buy a new tie though
and damn it looked good ;)
other things?
no idea
oh yeah, i was going to post about animal house wasn't i?
well last week i went on a blitz and bought a pile of dvd's of films that i've never seen before (with the exception of the big lebowski) anyway, in this pile was animal house
it was funny as hell
how can i have gone through over 28 years without watching this before?
also in the pile were beyond reanimator ( yes dr herbert west is back and up to his old tricks), the griswold vacation boxset...not watched all of them yet though, waynes world double boxset and the cat in the hat
i'm a big dr suess fan, but i wasnt expecting much from this as it got panned when it was released at the cinema...but i laughed most of the way through and just basically enjoyed the film and especially mike myers :)
also that dakota fanning is going to be big, i've seen her in a few films now (man on fire and hide and seek spring to mind) and she has got what it takes
anyway i think i'm waffling now, and anyway i'm hungry
i'll probably be back before the day is through though, probably with some more stupidity
with permission i may post some extracts from an email that i received from a blogger this morning (becca, is that ok?)
laters peeps
Sunday, 21 January 2007
easy like a sunday morning
in fact i've just noticed that i've been a bit slack after a week or two of posting once, twice or even three times a day, i've dropped back for whatever reason...
think it's probably partly due to overload and partly due to other commitments (interviews and shit)
anyway i was going to post about animal house, think i'll save that until monday and lump it in with a pile of other films that i wanna talk about (been doing a lot of film watching recently, and they're all older films with the exception of 2 i think, but even they are a couple of years old...anyway i digress
i went out on friday night with chef
we had a few drinks and a laugh, it was good, we walked to another pub...but by the time we got there it was shut...not surprising really considering the time (i think by then it was 1am) so we walked the rest of the way to chef's houes and i crashed out in the lounge...
but not before chef completely blanked what he was doing as we walked past the chinese takeaway (imaginatively titled chopsticks) well they were still in there tidying up after the evening service...chef was too busy staring at the people in there and texting his lady to notice the street lamp getting closer and closer to him...yeah he walked right into it, splitting his eyebrow open nicely which i had to put a plaster on when we got back so he wouldn't bleed all over the pillow...which he did anyway!
it was classic
working in the pub tonight
got the quiz tomorrow night
got an interview tomorrow morning too, that should be good though...fingers crossed and all that. it's just another excuse for me to put my suit on again really
mum got me some slippers yesterday
i don't wear slippers...
at all
but she decided that it was about time i did
so she got me some that are 11 1/2, i'm a 12, but normally 11's will fit...but these didn't, i've got big feet and a high instep, combined this can make issues when it comes to getting shoes, especially when they are slip one's like slippers are...
so now i've got to take them back today and get another pair that do fit...
but i don't wear slippers
so i'm going to use the money and buy something sensible that i will wear
like a t-shirt or something
parents...don't uby things for your kids that you know they won't wear
and definately don't buy something for me without me being there to either try it on or tell you that i actually don't like it and won't wear it
the ex tried that a few times, one of the t-shirts she got me still has the tag in it, but it's too late to take it back now...
nothing much else to say
laters peeps, hope that you're having a good weekend
Friday, 19 January 2007
that friday feeling
it wasn't that big though
and to be honest it wasn't even that clever
but a job would be a job and i need one
but that one was pretty boring
it involved looking at lists and matching things up...that's all
and i've be called a costings assistant...i don't want to a job where i can be abbreviated to being an ass...
still i was expecting to hear something back from them by today, but i've not heard anything as yet.
i was supposed to have heard something back from the intreview from last week by today too, but nothing on that front either...ho-hum
i've got 3 interviews (to date) lined up for next week
one on monday for an interesting sales role...i thought the company was a joke to start with, but apparently they're not...i had a look at their website and i know that doesn't prove they're real, but if they're not someone has a weird sense of humour (but then i guess novak is out there some place too and he's just plain twisted)
one on wednesday for a accounts role of some description, company seem to be good, still waiting for all the details from the agency though about this role, but it sounds way better than the one from yesterday
and one on thursday for a company that i used to work for many years ago, that one should be ok, it's for business manager role in a sports centre, something that i know i can do...
out of the three for next week i'm looking forward to all of them and i've got no real preference as to which (if any) i'd do should i be offered them
had a weird dream the other week
i dreamt that i had a new valve fitted to my heart, then because it didn't work properly, i had a new heart, but i don't think i got a human heart. anyway in the dream i was back up and doing everything again within a couple of days after the operations...weird!
i've had a few weird dreams in the last week or so, but that's the main one that i can remember
song for the weekend:
i like this song
i wrecked my old version of O though, but this week i got a cheap one in the sale so it's ok :) and as such i've been playing it loads recently
anyway eeps that's all from me
just press play
and somoene remind me to blog about how i've got all these years and NEVER seen animal house until the other day!
take care peeps
Thursday, 18 January 2007
dressed to impress - HNT
yeah, i probably could've smiled, but i just plain didn't because i thought the camera was going to fall over... and i hate wearing a shirt/suit
anyway I'm off for my interview now
laters peeps
Wednesday, 17 January 2007
interview tomorrow
it's not a very exciting job, but it is a job none-the-less
so fingers crossed i get it
decided against travelling the near 5 hours to go to tha place today, a 10 hour round trip for a "chat" is a little too much for my liking.
stlil struggling with ideas for HNT, so you might get a pic of me in my suit ready to knock these people dead tomorrow an this interview...
or you might not...
don't know yet
but i promise there will be a pic at some point during the day
still undecuded about what i should do about strumpet from previous post...think i'll probably just ignore the situation for a while, i think i'm probably thinking about it way too much now and building it up into something that it doesn't need to be
laters peeps
stress relief
i like this pic, i was taken in munich at a real deal beer garden, if i'm right it was the hofbrauhaus beer garden...we drank a fair few beers that day and they came out in litre steins too :) this was taken through one of them and was of me, but the beer gets in the way :)
ok i think that it's about time i shared some stress relief with you all
i came across this page the other day and given that i could do with a little de-stressing at the moment i couldn't help myself
it was just so ooooooooh
you much know the feeling
that first time
when you've got it there, waiting for you
all fresh
just begging you to give it a little tweak
crying out for you to give it that first *pop*
of course i'm talking about bubblewrap and online there is a website dedicated to the stuff
check this out
virtual bubblewrap
it's the way of the future
warning though it can become addictive
you can find yourself on there for a while, popping those bubbles
feeling that wave of satisfaction coming over you as you get a fresh sheet to pop
whether you do it for fun
or against the clock
whether you do it normally
or by using the manic mode
it's just such a good way of letting out that stress
so go on
pop one for me ;)
you know you want to
laters peeps
(ps HNT ideas greatfully recieved)
25 peeps
thanks to everyone for keeping me up there for 9 days
i got a fair number of clicks...327 according to the email they sent me to say that i'm now gone from the list
so that means no more annoying "go click me" demands
it also means no more nekkid avatar...back to the shadow i think, unless someone can suggest another one
right i'll be back in a bit peeps, just going to check everyone out and adjust my profile pic and all that :)
Tuesday, 16 January 2007
for those who are counting this is my 3rd post of the day
excessive for me i know
anyway there is a reason for this 3rd post
i can't stop thinking abut someone
and although this is not something new
it is something that may cause a problem
and basically i'm just here to get it out in the open that there is a certain someone that i'd like to get to know better and i haven't got a clue in how to do it best
normally i'd just get in there and find out as much as i could about her before asking her if she wanted to go for a drink
but this time i'm struggling
it's not like i can't chat to her, because when i see her i do chat to her, with ease. but i just can't seem to ask for her number or anything like that
is it because the only time i normally see her is when there's a group of people round?
does that make it easier to talk to her?
or is it that they are there and i don't want to ask for her number because of that?
if that's the case then there coul be an issue, because they are always there when i see her
i could get her number under the pretense of a differentreason, but then that's just as bad really as not being able to ask, or even it's worse because i've asked for it for one reason, but i'm using it for another reason...
i know someone who has her number, but i don't want to ask him i should be able to do this myself...
i'm lost on this one
it doesn't help that in a couple of months i'll be learning to dance with her
isn't the tango supposed ot be one of the steamiest of dances?
oh well
there's TMI below this and another normal post below that if you've got the time
but seriously need the help on this one
laters peeps
TMI time...scrool down to the next post if you don't want to know ;)
go over to 25 peeps and click on my avatar over there please :)
1) What are three mistakes someone could make on the first date with you that would automatically make you turn down a second date with them?
three mistakes, i'm not normally that shallow, i tend to try to get to know someone first before deciding if they are worth dating, this usually stops the crap that can lead to not making a second date...but in the nature of goes
1) talking through the film/show/whatever (i tend to pick first dates to be a pub or similar so tha tthis isn't an issue) you know the type i mean, the ones who sit there and want to know what's going on, so while you explain to them what you think is happening you miss the next bit of the film, which they subsequently ask about...
2) thinking i'm stupid, i know i'm not a brain surgeon, but people who feel the need to explain every little thing several times to me just bug me
3) people who think that they are the centre of the world
2) Pick an animal that best displays your personality. :)
tough one, i could so easily use the old intro to bravestarr (strength of the bear, eyes of the eagle, ears of the wolf, speed of the puma and all that) but one of the guys in the pub used that last night when his lady friend asked him about his best physical feature...until she asked him about the lack of a horse reference, i told him he should tell her he's hung like a hamster...he did
so with that in mind i could go with hyena, because i laugh at things a lot
3) If your so stopped having sex with you, how long would you stay?
depends on how god it was before she stopped and if there was a reason as to why she stopped and you've got to factor into it other issues that may be around, like living situation...i'd probably stay a couple of months...
4) Are you more passive or aggressive when the relationship becomes physical?
depends largely on who i'm with, in the past i've been both
it also depends on how long its been since last time we did it...
5) Have you ever been INSIDE a store that sold adult themed toys and videos?
Yes, i challenge any man to tell you he hasn't and be honest about it (although now i think about it i could probably think of one or two people that it might be questionable as to if they had or hadn't)
Bonus: What percentage of women do you think are capable of handling being in a "friends with benefits" relationship? How about men?
I thik there's way more men that would be comfortable with the idea of being in that kind of relationship than women, although i know a few women who are ok with the idea, they have been in the past a friend of mine with these benefits...but no more is the case...thankfully in some cases (they went a little funny and started almost stalking me...)
TMI done
take care peeps
ok so i went to this thing today at the recriutment agents and it was ok, although i did struggle to get up on time, i managed it in the end though.
i get there and it's all ok, i fill in a form or two while trying not to stare at the 2 cute receptionists.
form done, i sit and have a chat with someone about the work i'm interested in doing (pretty much anything she can throw at me) and that's ok
then she ships me back over to the 2 cute receptionists and tells them that i need to fill in some more forms and then do a computer test...boring
forms done again i have to sit and wait for a minute while again trying not to stare at the receptionists...
they set me up on the computer for the word, excel and some copy typing test...each of the firs two i had 30 minutes to do them, the final typing test had a 3 minute warm-up and then a 5 minute test, type as much as you can from the sheet in front of that's about 1h10 yeah?
i finished in half that time, i didn't get everything right and i skipped some of the questions, i didn't see the point in me sitting there and fluffing up on the questions i didn't understand and risk missing out on some that i could i just skipped some
after this is was back to reception (only 1 receptionist was there now, the other left for her lunch just before i started the tests) and a sit down again while i waited form someone to check my results then come and find me to chat to me about them.
when she finally came to chat to me she told me that my test results were very good (i sat there in shock because i'd basically skipped about 1/3 of each test because i was bored)
they think that they should be able to find me some work fairly soon though
after i left there i got a call from another agent who has something that she thinks would interest me (minds out of the gutter people) she said she'd forward me the details, but i've not had them yet...
the pub quiz last night was a laugh again, we won a pack of beer to go with the win from last week (which we forgot to pick up) we also came second overall...almost another bottle of wine there...
it's been confirmed that i'll be learning how to tango soon with one of the girls on the team, still no idea why i said i do it, but it should be a laugh.
still undecided about going up to cumbria tomorrow, it'll be a long trip for what';s probably only going to be an hour or two up there and a long trip back again (in answer to ash's question about commuting're having a laugh love it's over 4 hours each way) so we shall have to see what time i get up in the morning, if it's early enough then yeah sure i'll head up there, if not though, i think that'll be the answer.
there's no TMI questions up yet, i'll check back over there in a bit and post as soon as i can
HNT on thursday...i'm open to requests this week as i've no idea what to post
laters peeps
Monday, 15 January 2007
forgot to mention
but i'm in danger of dropping of the bottom
keep clicking me and get me back up a little
and in the job search front...
i've got an interview on wednesday 300 miles away (not sure if i should think about it or not)
and i've got to go and see someone tomorrow too, but that's more a recruitment agent than anything
laters peeps
monday morning madness
this week i vow to apply for as many jobs as possible
issues that are currently working against me
i'm 28, i'm considered too old for a lot of companies to fill "junior" or "trainee" positions.
i've got experience...this isn't always a plus...i've already been turned down from more than one position for having too much experience
i haven't got a job at the moment...everyone knows it's easier to find a job when you haven't got one
retraining someone costs a company money, and being 28 i'm to old
other things
i'm thinking of applying for a personal liscense...meaning that i can legally sell beer from a premises without another liscensee on the premises. as it stands, the liscensee should be in the building whenever alcohol is being sold (this doesn't always happen, but hey), with a personal liscense i can do that. it'd be good for me to get because then it means i could become a relief manager and go into bars/pubs when the landlord there is on holiday, i get paid for running their pub for a while and don't have to worry about anything to do with the cool is that?
i'm sure there's something else i should be going on about, but i can't remember what it is
i need a job
help me out here peeps
find me a job
it doesn't matter where it is
or even what it is
i'll do anything at the moment
laters peeps
Sunday, 14 January 2007
the bidding has ended
whoever won has bid $20 for my time, just hope it wasn't one of my mates trying to be funny...
that's $20 more to charity that wouldn't have got there otherwise :)
think maybe i should offer myself out like this a little more often
ebay here i come
i'm STILL up on 25 peeps
not sure how or why, but hey, i'm not complaining, please keep doing what you've been doing and if you've randomly clicked in from over there first, drop me a line :)
i finished my book last night
(or was it this morning...i can't remember)
anyway, it was good, the ending was funny and i would recommend it to anyone who wants an easy read and knows who bruce campbell is. if you don't then it's worth getting if chins could kill first and getting his background before reading this book because there are so many references to his previous work in it that it might be confusing. i thought one of the funniest aspects of it was the fact that all the pictures in the book, no matter who they are of are actually him (with the exception of the shots of richard gere and of renee zellwegger, that's be a little too much to ask). it's very much a fictional piece, but written in the first person throughout and with so many references to his past "achievements" and real things it's got a real feel to it too.
book review over
need to find something else to read now :(
got an email yesterday off a friend that i've not really heard from for a little while, but it was good to hear from her again and i know she'll be reading this wondering if i'll ask what i said i would, fear not i won't ask, like i said in my email back, there are just some things that shouldn't be said...
sure there was something else i was going to say, but i'm damned if i can remember what :(
oh well
laters peeps
Saturday, 13 January 2007
my "stock" is rising!!!!
still on the 25 peeps page too...scary how i seem to be on there still...
and i'm just being me
it's 10pm and i should be either out drinking and partying
or in bed wih some god looking lass
but i'm neither because i'm too tired and just plain not in the mood to be doing either to be honest
think i'm just going to hit the sack and read
laters peeps
i blog on saturdays
i am one of these people who blog on saturdays
sometimes i do it on sundays too
that makes me feel very naughty ;)
ok as promised a review of the film i went to see last night
it was Smokin' Aces (click the link for a short trailer) and it was pretty good
i was surprised to see how good ryan reynolds actually was in his role (a far cry from the college antics of van wilder) he compared fairly well to ray liotta, andy garcia and ben affleck in this film. as a story goes, there was a lot of kill-gore (not always a bad thing), plenty of twists and turns, some of which i got, some i didn't until it was all unravelled in the closing scene. there was a fair amount of weird shit going on too, pretty much anything with the tremor brothers characters in it was weird...including a possible reference to texas chainsaw massacre or evil dead...either was there was some chainsaw wielding action going on in there...
there were a few things that i wasn't sure on
the ending left a little to be desired, the plot twists unravelled into a big heap on the floor and that wasn't what i thought was the best possible way of doing it.
but considering it's brought to you by the same people who made four weedings nadna funeral and love actually, it seems like a bit of a departure from their norm...and for a first attempt* at breaking into the genre owned by tarantino and the like, it wasn't a bad attempt
i'm still up on 25 peeps, they must be having a quiet time over there or something at the moment for me not to have dropped of the face of the earth yet
and i think the bidding is still going over at the auction but i'm still only on $10, oh well, i'm not complaining, it's good to know that i've raised that much for charity by just being me :)
in other news
there is no other news today, it's saturday, and i've got nothing
nothing to do today either
i'm almost finished with my book, make love by bruce campbell, it's pretty funny, very easy to read, but unless you're a fan of his it's probably not worth picking up...expect a review of that too when i've finished it (possibly tomorrow...)
i'm nearly done with the lego starwars game for the PS2, might mean that i've got to go and buy the second installment, i've picked it up several times, just never bought it. this game is awesome though, seriously!
anyway i think that's me done for now, apart from reminding you all to click and bid and just to say that i hope those of you who listened to it appreciated yesterday's choice for the weekend, it's still there, but i've turned the auto play off
laters peeps
Friday, 12 January 2007
3 things
click on me
bid on me
there are comments for everyone who has commented the last few days on the various entries i've posted, sorry for being slack
now go do the first 2 things
please :)
Music Code provided by Song2Play.Com
hope you don't mind
and if you do
right that's me done for the day apart from
go and bid
go and click on my 25 peeps too
laters peeps
Thursday, 11 January 2007
still i guess it's more than i had first thing this morning :)
anyway come on people get your hands into your pockets, search under the matress, hunt out that loose change then take it here so you can bid on me
bid on me
bid on me
bid on me
and don't forget to click on me over at 25 peeps too
randim pub stuff mainly
the bidding has begun over here and as of this morning i was =2nd on a whooping total of $5! come on people i'm sure you can do better than that, remember it's all for charity so get on there and get your purses out!
had a quick wander through the blogosphere this morning and i spotted a few things that i was going to blog about, but i'm damned if i can remember what they were now!
went to work in the pub last night
i swear the old guy at the end of the bar should write a book about all his "stories" he wouldn't make a fortune, unless you titled it "bullshit and how to sell it to the common idiot". now, i understand that there's always one in every pub/bar/drinking establishment, one of the locals who has been drinking there since year dot and can tell that the beer is near the end of the barrel just by the look and smell of it (yes this is possible), this person who has done every job imaginable, who at the age of 85 has been drinking for 70 years and out of school fo longer... anyway we have one such local and he comes in every night, has to have his chair at the end of the bar (the same one) [sometimes i screw with him by switching the chairs around so he has a different one, he's not noticed that one yet] and tells me when the beer's off. during his 2 hour visits he sits there and drinks his "quota" for the evening, while telling me about his health, his old jobs, geometry (i kid you not) and any other random piece of info that comes into his mind at the time. and i'm paid to put up with this. he also gets an arse on (a bit stroppy for those who didn't understand) if he has to wait a minute or two with an empty glass...there are a couple of barflies that are like this in my pub, it just doesn't seem to matter how busy you are or how long the queue is, if they have an empty glass and they have to wait more than 25 seconds before it's replenished with sweet beer, they feel the need to re-iterate the point that they: a) pay my wages (unlike the other 25 people in the pub that i'm trying to serve at the same time); b) provide me with work (unlike the other 25 people in the pub that i'm trying to serve at the same time), and ; c) the service in the pub isn't what it used to be (because i'm trying to serve 25 people that are also waiting for drinks/food).
i've mentioned it to him before that if he doesn't highlight the fact that he's requiring refreshment because he has recently drained his previous beverage, then how am i supposed to know. especially when i'm serving the other 25 people at the bar.
anyway that's one of the locals
tomorrow i'll tell you about another one if you're lucky
did you get the subliminal references to go and click on my 25 peeps thing?
what do you mean no?
damn you!
just go and do it
go on
when you click on it you'll come straight back here and you can leave your comment then
away with you and do it
you back now?
thanks for doing that, hope you didnt feel pressured into doing it
anyway i'm off for now peeps
Wednesday, 10 January 2007
post interview random stuff
post interview, i caught up with woja for a drink and some lunch, we enjoyed a pint or two of tanglefoot and ate good food while catching up...'twas good indeed
fingers crossed i get the job and we might actually get to do that a little more often
anyway as i said the interview went pretty well, i don't want to jinx it though so that's all i'm going to say about it. the gym itself where i went though is in an old cinema building, and they've kept quite a few of the original features so that's kinda cool :)
25 peeps is going strong still, in fact i've moved up a couple of places...weird that, anyway i implore you to go and click it again for me to keep me up there
there will be NO HNT this week, see Os's site for more information and i think you'll understand why
still suffering with a blocked nose, anyone know of any decent cures? i've tried most of the over the counter stuff now that i know i can take, there are a few on the market that make me loopy, so i'm avoiding them...but if there's anything else that you can think of, let me know
sleep pattern is shot to hell at the moment, i was awak nice and early this morning, but just couldn't get up. the last couple of days i've been away around the 7 am mark, but then drifted off again, been patch sleep wise...but i'm not feeling tired at the moment, so that's ok
tomorrow sees the start of the bidding starts at midnight (i'm guessing local time to the nots) it's all for charity, go here for more info and to bid, but only bid on me though and not any of the others because i want to raise lots of money for charity! also i promise to be a good boy! (read what you will into that)
still fit into my suit, although it's getting a little baggy at the moment...curiouser and curiouser as i don't think i've changed my eating habits that much...anyway i looked damned good for my interview. but i shaved off the chin fluff again because i wanted to look the i said earlier though, we'll just have to wait and see if i looked good enough!
right i think that's enough stuff for today
laters peeps
just a quickie to keep you going
i'm still going strong on 25 peeps but please keep clicking the link and stuff like that, i'm curious now as to how long i can stay up there...
i'm off to an interview in about an hour, i should really be in the shower now to be honest, so wish me luck
and finally, rawbean
the storyboards are just things that i add to when i get an idea, i've no idea if i'll carry on that idea, let alone what will happen next in it. but thank you for having a look and giving me your opinion, i'll definately have a think about what i can do to it next now :)
laters peeps
Tuesday, 9 January 2007
TMI as promised
i'm living a "life of leisure" at the moment because i'm's not all it's not all that :( i'm sure though if i put my mind to it i could accomplish something, probably leading to a much more leisurely life...
2. How many people have you kissed, not counting family?
i honestly have no idea, i'm assuing we're talking about passionate kisses here...i used to ba able to name all the girls i'd kissed, but then i became a bit of a's probably 50 ish but i'm just guessing there
3. How many times have you ever been in love?
i'd hate to guess, i read someplace once that you fall in love an average of 3 times in your life, i think i've fell in love more than that, if i had to put a figure on it i'd say 5 times
4. Regardless of what's right for you now, would you say you have a good idea of the kind of person you'd like to end up with? Can you, will you tell us?
i'd like to end up with someone grounded, who knows what i'm like and what i like, as well as knowing her own mind. I want someone who knows that it's important to have different interests and part of being with someone is learning about what makes them tick. I want someone who is tolerent of the annoying little things i do. i want someone who is will look after me as much as i'll look after them. i want someone who i can roll over in the morning and smile at
5. If you're dating someone, is it okay to flirt with other people?
hell yeah it's ok! if that person isn't ok with it you just have to remin them that it doesn't matter how much you flirt with someone it's not them that you go home with, it's not them that you wake up next to in the morning and it's not them that you say "i love you" to. besides i find it a turn on to know that other men find my date attractive and it's a good feeling when they leave that bloke to come and chat to you and kiss you
Bonus (as in optional): Describe your personality with three adjectives that describe you well. [For the folks with "technical" degrees adjectives are modifiers, like "musical", "adventurous", or "carnal".]
i'm actually going to leave this open to you all know me well enough to post an adjective or two that you think sums me up...don't worry about offending me, you won't, i promise be honest, suck it up and think about it
later peeps
for the regulars there's a bit of a big post below...and a double post from yesterday, some of you may have missed...
and don't forget the 25 peeps thing...go click on me i want to stay up there for another day at least :)
post quiz post
so what do you want to know?
right me and that complaint from yesterday are still speaking and it's ok now, i think that there is a friendship there to salvage which is good, it's not like we were together for a long time, i mean i met her just before christmas, so no biggie there...and it's good to have mates right?
ok yasamin asked the following:
"tell me something personal. something deep. something thats waaay past the superficial shit that makes us all seem like laughing little falsified happy robots. tell me something that shows me a moment in your life when you couldn't hide the heavy emotion that flooded you. it could be happy or sad... but show me that you're more than the rest of these humans"
so that got me thinking, and i struggled to think of something new, i was tempted to go back and tell you all about the cutting episode again, but many of you have heard that before and it's not an issue that i really want to go into again because i feel that it can make people uncomfortable and stuff like that. besides i promised myself that i'd never do it again, no matter how tempted i was, and i've been good to my word, even though i've felt the need one several occasions.
i thought and thought and thought about this and i honestly struggled to find something that, to me, was flooded with emotion. i could give you details of the day that someone proposed to me over a PA system in the place where we both worked at the time (happy) or the time that i found out my grandad had died (sad, but i was more detached then than i should've been)
so i'm sorry yasamin, but i've failed your challenge, i'm sure that i've got times when i've been filled with emotion and all that, but for some reason i just can't think of them right now. I'm pants.
i went to the quiz last night
you know the one, the pub quiz that i've been doing for a while now. well since i split with the lovely lady i've not really been on that team anymore, the last couple of times i've been i've joined another team called ken dodd's dad's dog's dead (yeah try saying that after a few beers...). anyway i was on their team again last night and somehow we won 3 rounds but lost on the tie-break every time, rubbish i know! then we won the overall score (bottle of wine that we forgot to get) and then we won the bonus play your cards right pontoon round too and won a goodie bag (top prize was £200) which contained a couple of t-shirts a few pens and a bottle opener, i clamed the bottle opener as's a good one too, nice and heavy. but so could've done with the £200 (although split between the 7 of us i don't think it would've amounted to £30 each).
anyway while i was there one of the girls on the team was asking the guys on the team if they'd be her dance partner to learn some argentinian dance (natalia help me out here, what argentinian dances are there?) well some how i volunteered myself into this position... my thoughts are it could be a laugh and it'll probably be exercise of some description and it's a good excuse to get out. but i forgot one minor thing...i can't dance, i mean seriously, i can't dance. me dancing is like the pope carrying out an abortion, it just doesnt happen...
so why did i do this?
remember folks i'm a bloke
and as a bloke i'm not known for rational thinking
i did this because she's actually quite cute
typically male right?
oh well!
joke for the day:
In 1993, the American Government funded a study to see why the head of a man's penis was larger than the shaft. After one year and $180,000.00, they concluded that the reason the head was larger than the shaft was to give the man more pleasure during sex.
After the US published the study, France decided to do their own study. After $250,000.00, and 3 years of research, they concluded that the reason was to give the woman more pleasure during sex.
Poland, unsatisfied with these findings, conducted their own study. After 2 weeks and a cost of around $75.46, they concluded that it was to keep a man's hand from flying off and hitting him in the forehead.
that's one of my favourite jokes, i told it in the pub once and someone thought i was being serious...just goes to show the intellect of some people that i work with...
this might not be the right time to mention this, but why do i have my best mate's CV in my joke folder...
remember peeps keep clicking the 25 peeps thing
have a good day (tmi post to follow when this weeks questions are up)
Monday, 8 January 2007
multi posting bad boy that i am
couple of quick reviews and then a complaint
when will jesus bring the porkchops? by george carlin
i like george carlin, i think he's clever and funny, but this, his third book, wasn't as good as the others in my mind, i think now he seems to be out to shock rather than be clever and funny
don't get me wrong, it's not like i didn't find it funny, but there were some things that i just thought were a bit crap to be honest...oh well
straight outta lynwood by weird al yankovic
i like this, it's funny
it starts well with his parody of chamillionaire's ridin' dirty, white and nerdy...nice
other high points include canadian idiot (green days' american idiot), do i creep you out (parody of taylor hicks i believe) and don't download this song
all in all it's a good album, better than some, worse than others
but it's weird al and that's good
i've been dumped for no real reason :(
the girl in question thinks that because i'm not a big clubbing fan that we'd have no future
i don't really do dancing, but that doesn't mean tha i don't enjoy myself when i go to clubs and the like
oh well
it's her loss
why do women think like this?
i mean just because we don't share certain interests, does that mean that we shouldn't try?
she's not the first and i'm sure she won't be the last woman that makes her mind up before even trying things out
anyway, keep clicking that 25 peeps button and take care :)
25 peeps
basically if you click on the title link thing you'll be redirected to that site where you can click on a naked me...and you'll come back here. the more clicks i get the longer i'm up there.
but it also means i've got to be interesting and funny at the moment, so i'm announcing open season on the PX you have a chance to ask me anything, if there's a picture you want to see ask me, if there's a little snippet of info that you want to know about ask me, if there's something that i've not gone into enough for your liking then get me to go into detail about it...anyway i've switched my profile pic to the nekkid one for a while (probably as long as i'm up on 25 peeps). I'll also be posting a joke each day as well
guess that means that the foresaken blog from last week will also be ignored, which means I'M BA-ACK!!!
also i might be begging soon too...i think the auction opens on the 11th...all will be revealed in a day or so...
joke for the day:
3 minute management course
Lesson One:
An eagle was sitting on a tree resting, doing nothing. A small rabbit saw the eagle and asked him, "Can I also sit like you and do nothing?"The eagle answered: "Sure, why not" So, the rabbit sat on the ground below the eagle and rested.All of a sudden, a fox appeared, jumped on the rabbit and ate it.
Management Lesson:To be sitting and doing nothing, you must be sitting very, very high up.
Lesson Two:
A turkey was chatting with a bull. "I would love to be able to get to the top of that tree," sighed the turkey, "but I haven't got the energy." "Well, why don't you nibble on some of my droppings?" replied the bull." They're packed with nutrients."The turkey pecked at a lump of dung, and found it actually gave him enough strength to reach the lowest branch of the tree. The next day he reached the second branch and, finally, after a fourthnight, the turkey was proudly perched at the top of the tree. He was promptly spotted by a farmer, who shot him out of the tree.
Management Lesson:Bullshit might get you to the top, but it won't keep you there.
Lesson Three:
A little bird was flying south for the winter. It was so cold, the bird froze and fell to the ground into a large field. there, a cow came by and dropped some dung on him. As the frozen bird lay there in the pile of cow dung, he began to realize how warm he was. The dung was actually thawing him out! He laidthere all warm and happy, and soon began to sing for joy.A passing cat heard the bird singing and came to investigate. Following the sound, the cat discovered the bird under the pile of cow dung, and promptly dug him out and ate him.
Management Lesson: (1) Not everyone who shits on you is your enemy.
(2) Not everyone who gets you out of shit is your friend.
(3) And when you're in deep shit, it's best to keep your mouth shut!
This ends the three minute management course.
I'll be back soon then peeps with a review of the latest weird al arrived in the post this morning and i'm listening to it now, it's funny :)
take it easy and please go and click on me once a day should do it ;)
Saturday, 6 January 2007
tagged by natalia
2. Put it on Shuffle. (it always is)
3. Press Play. (it already is)
4. For every questions type the song that's playing.
5. When you go to a new question press the Next button.
Opening Credits: American Idiot - Green Day (kicking tune, loving it)
Waking Up: Anything - Sixpence None The Richer (forgot this was on's ok)
Falling In Love: Sleeping Satellite - Tamzin Archer (didn't even know this was on here...)
Fight Song: Master Of Puppets - Metallica (this was the version from teh S&M album, so voilins and stuff like that was included it a proper film feel)
Breakup Song: The Warmth - Incubus (nice tune)
Making Up Song: Late September - Deepest Blue (not listened to this in ages)
Life's Okay Song: Desensitized - Senser (not really a "life's ok" song, but it has it's moments)
Mental Breakdown: I Am Legend - White Zombie (awesome tune, absolutely awesome and fitting too)
Driving: We Might s Well Be Strangers - Keane (bit slow to drive to really)
Flashbacks: Journey - Akon (it's ok, suppose it could work for a flashback)
Happy Dance: Once More With Jealousy - Get Cape, Wear Cape, Fly (awesome tune although i'm not sure it'd work as a happy dance song)
Regret: Falling For You - Busted (don't like this song at all...regret putting it on here...)
Final Battle: Natural Woman - Me First & The Gimme Gimmes (awesome rendition of this classic but nt really a fight song is it?)
Death Scene: Electrical Storm - U2 (this could work, it was a remixed version so it's kinda trippy)
Final Credits: Never Met A Girl Like You Before -Flogging Molly (wicked way to finish)
tag wise...if you're up for the it!
so i think that's me tagging everyone who hasn't done it before
just quit bitching about it and get on with it!
Friday, 5 January 2007
friday tune
click the link watch the video :)
First Date by Blink 182