Tuesday 16 January 2007

TMI time...scrool down to the next post if you don't want to know ;)

normal post is below for the regulars who don't want to know this much

go over to 25 peeps and click on my avatar over there please :)

1) What are three mistakes someone could make on the first date with you that would automatically make you turn down a second date with them?
three mistakes, i'm not normally that shallow, i tend to try to get to know someone first before deciding if they are worth dating, this usually stops the crap that can lead to not making a second date...but in the nature of TMI...here goes
1) talking through the film/show/whatever (i tend to pick first dates to be a pub or similar so tha tthis isn't an issue) you know the type i mean, the ones who sit there and want to know what's going on, so while you explain to them what you think is happening you miss the next bit of the film, which they subsequently ask about...
2) thinking i'm stupid, i know i'm not a brain surgeon, but people who feel the need to explain every little thing several times to me just bug me
3) people who think that they are the centre of the world
2) Pick an animal that best displays your personality. :)
tough one, i could so easily use the old intro to bravestarr (strength of the bear, eyes of the eagle, ears of the wolf, speed of the puma and all that) but one of the guys in the pub used that last night when his lady friend asked him about his best physical feature...until she asked him about the lack of a horse reference, i told him he should tell her he's hung like a hamster...he did
so with that in mind i could go with hyena, because i laugh at things a lot
3) If your so stopped having sex with you, how long would you stay?
depends on how god it was before she stopped and if there was a reason as to why she stopped and you've got to factor into it other issues that may be around, like living situation...i'd probably stay a couple of months...
4) Are you more passive or aggressive when the relationship becomes physical?
depends largely on who i'm with, in the past i've been both
it also depends on how long its been since last time we did it...
5) Have you ever been INSIDE a store that sold adult themed toys and videos?
Yes, i challenge any man to tell you he hasn't and be honest about it (although now i think about it i could probably think of one or two people that it might be questionable as to if they had or hadn't)
Bonus: What percentage of women do you think are capable of handling being in a "friends with benefits" relationship? How about men?
I thik there's way more men that would be comfortable with the idea of being in that kind of relationship than women, although i know a few women who are ok with the idea, they have been in the past a friend of mine with these benefits...but no more is the case...thankfully in some cases (they went a little funny and started almost stalking me...)

TMI done
take care peeps


JeannieGrrl said...

Great answers! I hate stalkers... Happy TMI!

Alicia said...

I'm always up for TMI.
I have a sex toy shop in my closet...

ZigZagMan said...

Good answers man....happy TMI!! :)

NotCarrie said...

I hate it when people talk through the movie!

LadyXandria said...

I'm somewhat of a movie talker. I don't talk throughout, cuz that's just annoying, but I'm definitely one of those, "Don't open the door!" kinda people. Great answers... hyena, huh? Do you actually sound like that?

Happy TMI Tuesday!

Px said...

stalkers are a nightmare

you have a sextoy shop in your closet? you're not going to make much money with it in there are you?

cheers :)

i'm guessing that you don't do that then :)

shame on you!
i don't sound like a hyena, but i do laugh at the most inappropriate of things...

TickledPinkToes said...

i have no clue what bravestarr is... haha i'm gonna have to look it up! ;) happy late tmi!