Thursday 11 January 2007

randim pub stuff mainly

i'm in risk of dropping out of the 25 peeps people...ash i'm still up there as of this morning i was 2 off the bottom!

the bidding has begun over here and as of this morning i was =2nd on a whooping total of $5! come on people i'm sure you can do better than that, remember it's all for charity so get on there and get your purses out!

had a quick wander through the blogosphere this morning and i spotted a few things that i was going to blog about, but i'm damned if i can remember what they were now!

went to work in the pub last night
i swear the old guy at the end of the bar should write a book about all his "stories" he wouldn't make a fortune, unless you titled it "bullshit and how to sell it to the common idiot". now, i understand that there's always one in every pub/bar/drinking establishment, one of the locals who has been drinking there since year dot and can tell that the beer is near the end of the barrel just by the look and smell of it (yes this is possible), this person who has done every job imaginable, who at the age of 85 has been drinking for 70 years and out of school fo longer... anyway we have one such local and he comes in every night, has to have his chair at the end of the bar (the same one) [sometimes i screw with him by switching the chairs around so he has a different one, he's not noticed that one yet] and tells me when the beer's off. during his 2 hour visits he sits there and drinks his "quota" for the evening, while telling me about his health, his old jobs, geometry (i kid you not) and any other random piece of info that comes into his mind at the time. and i'm paid to put up with this. he also gets an arse on (a bit stroppy for those who didn't understand) if he has to wait a minute or two with an empty glass...there are a couple of barflies that are like this in my pub, it just doesn't seem to matter how busy you are or how long the queue is, if they have an empty glass and they have to wait more than 25 seconds before it's replenished with sweet beer, they feel the need to re-iterate the point that they: a) pay my wages (unlike the other 25 people in the pub that i'm trying to serve at the same time); b) provide me with work (unlike the other 25 people in the pub that i'm trying to serve at the same time), and ; c) the service in the pub isn't what it used to be (because i'm trying to serve 25 people that are also waiting for drinks/food).
i've mentioned it to him before that if he doesn't highlight the fact that he's requiring refreshment because he has recently drained his previous beverage, then how am i supposed to know. especially when i'm serving the other 25 people at the bar.
anyway that's one of the locals
tomorrow i'll tell you about another one if you're lucky

did you get the subliminal references to go and click on my 25 peeps thing?
what do you mean no?
damn you!
just go and do it
go on
when you click on it you'll come straight back here and you can leave your comment then
away with you and do it

you back now?
thanks for doing that, hope you didnt feel pressured into doing it
anyway i'm off for now peeps


berly02 said...

I went and clicked.
Random question, did you ever get my postcard?

Px said...

yeah i got your post card, it made me laugh that we'd be sat all the way up in the clouds if i came to see a game with you

Miss Ash said...

As if Stroppy explained it any better LMAO. (i gather he gets angry/annoyed if he has to wait)

I'll click on 25 peeps at home...i didn't see you on there though, Is it the pic you have up on here now?

Did you get the postcard from Ghana as well?

Alicia said...

I clicked for you.

I want to open a pub in Colorado when I move back.
I have the culinary education.
I have the want.
I have the funding.
I just need to get out of Idaho and back to home!

Autumn Storm said...

Clicked. :-)

How well you describe the old guy, that or I just recognize him from every pub that I have ever entered. :-D

Px said...

yeah i got your card from ghana :)

if you need a good barman, give me a shout :)

and it's like i said, i htink there are men like that in all pubs, you just have to know when and where to look for them