Monday 29 January 2007

you ever had one of those days?

you know the ones...
the ones that no matter how much of a downer things might be around you, you just can't help but be bouyant?
i'm having one of them
today i'm still waiting to hear back from al the interviews and applications from last week, and with every passing minute i can feel the positive vibes seeping away to be replaced with the monotony of yet another dumbass rejection based on me being too experienced or not experienced enough to suit people's expectations. well even though this should be's not
and i have no idea why
i'm just having one of those days
today i went to speak to some people about getting some advice with regards to having to find someplace to live fairly soon. and they couldn't help me today and i'd have to make an appointment to come back and speak to them when it was more convenient to them...yeah great, no problems...i'm just having an issue that needs advice, but you know what, i'll come back when it suits you!
but you know what, i sat there when i heard this and thought...ok, fair enough
my mum has the week off this week, which is going to hit into my 'net time because she'll want to know why i need to spend so much time online, wasting her electric. but she is at least being civil and letting me get up without her bugging me too much...although this morning she decided that she was going to do some DIY and therefore was banging around a bit, we've also played cards, she whooped me! i wanted to hit the PS2 for a while and have another bash at lego starwars, but that didn't happen, maybe in a bit though.

anyway things are looking up today and i have no clue why, none at all
i'm off to the quiz tonight with jenfer, we're reforming sax and violins i think tonight, which means i won't see much of tango girl, probably a good thing because otherwse it'd just be in my head again...

thought that i might hve to make an emergency appointment with my dentist the other day because i had a bad toothache, but it's gone again today...that's me sticking my head in the sand good and proper. me and dentists do not mix well...i've threatened to bite the current one before, but he's better, much better than the last one i used to see...
he numbed one tooth and then said, "opps! i've just numbed the wrong tooth, it'll be ok though, you shouldn't feel a thing" needless to say he was wrong and he had to stop before i punched him because i'd gone very pale...
that experience didn't sit too well with me, so i tend to avoid the dentist if i can help it

i would say to expect double posts at least this week because i'm working lunchtimes at the pub on a few days, so there'll probably be a pre- and post- work blog session...we shall have to wait and see though

if not there will certainly be some emails flying around i think...

laters peeps


~*Jobthingy*~ said...

i think you still need a hug. *hugeasscanadianhugs*

Px said...

i always need a hug :)

ACG said...

i know what will make you feel better... HNT... Half Nekkid Tuesday!

but don't give up your Thursday ;-)