Sunday 14 January 2007


ok so i made a typo on the last post (thanks for pointing out my short comings lisa) i didn't means a "god looking lass" i means a good looking lass...oh's not like it's going ot happen anything soon anyway

the bidding has ended
whoever won has bid $20 for my time, just hope it wasn't one of my mates trying to be funny...
that's $20 more to charity that wouldn't have got there otherwise :)
think maybe i should offer myself out like this a little more often
ebay here i come

i'm STILL up on 25 peeps
not sure how or why, but hey, i'm not complaining, please keep doing what you've been doing and if you've randomly clicked in from over there first, drop me a line :)

i finished my book last night
(or was it this morning...i can't remember)
anyway, it was good, the ending was funny and i would recommend it to anyone who wants an easy read and knows who bruce campbell is. if you don't then it's worth getting if chins could kill first and getting his background before reading this book because there are so many references to his previous work in it that it might be confusing. i thought one of the funniest aspects of it was the fact that all the pictures in the book, no matter who they are of are actually him (with the exception of the shots of richard gere and of renee zellwegger, that's be a little too much to ask). it's very much a fictional piece, but written in the first person throughout and with so many references to his past "achievements" and real things it's got a real feel to it too.
book review over
need to find something else to read now :(

got an email yesterday off a friend that i've not really heard from for a little while, but it was good to hear from her again and i know she'll be reading this wondering if i'll ask what i said i would, fear not i won't ask, like i said in my email back, there are just some things that shouldn't be said...

sure there was something else i was going to say, but i'm damned if i can remember what :(
oh well
laters peeps


Alicia said...

I love reading.
I even joined a book club here.
We are reading "Middlesex" right now. I am picking up my copy this afternoon. It is about a hermaphodite (spelling?) Anyways, it's supposed to be a really great read.

Knitty Yas said...

oohhh alicia the best book i have ever read about a hermaphrodite was BOOK OF SHADOWS by James Reese. outstanding writing. really. you need to read it. i mean wow. its not really wrapped around that.. its more about a girl who finds out that shes different and its set long time ago in a french convent where they call her the devil in which he makes a deal with the devil to save her life when they try to kill her its outstanding.

anyway... i got distracted can you tell?? lol

yeah i don't think anyone would understand Make Love the Bruce Campbell Way if they didn't read If Chins Could Kill first. i really enjoyed both. but i love Brucey. lol

and sometimes friends go away and come back and want everything to be the way it was before they left and that impossible because things change. ya know?

and you know damned well how much i bid. :p i recommend you get yourself into a little life boat and start rowing my friend. hahaha jk.

okay this has turned into a novel in its own. im goin away now.

Princess Pessimism said...

WOW...i havent been here in AGES. I need to get all caught up. You're in an auction?? I went to the page. Thats awesome. give me the date of the post when you told us what this is all about...

Lindsey said...

I really want to read a good book...but alas I haven't had the time. Or...when I do have the time, I'm just not feeling up to it. That would be how I'm handling things right now. A big sack of potatoes on the couch...doing nothing...oh well. :o)

NotCarrie said...

I got outbid!

Px said...

never heard of it, let me know what it's like and i'll see about it

never heard of that either.
and i hate rowing...
congrats btw and thanks for bidding ;)

i know, you've been slack! if you click the bidding link in this post it''ll tell you all about the auction and the charity
i did it because it's for charity, and i promised myself i'd start doing things for other people

i can recommend a few, although i'm not sure what you'll be into... but there are loads of decent books out there

i know, shame :(