Wednesday 31 January 2007

alright peeps?

ok it's wednesday afternoon, i'm suffering from a real lack of blog-fodder, and i've got a bit of a headache coming on

i think that's down to playing lego starwars for 2 hours straight...but i could be wrong
still it's an awesome game and worth the time :)

anyway, due to a lack of anything else to say i'm offering up a ticket to anyone and everyone to ask me anything they want to know
if there's something that you've been dying to's the time
ask away
questions an answers will be posted together on friday i've got until then :)

laters peeps


Miss Ash said...

What does Lego Starwars entail?

Px said...

lego starwars is a game on the PS2
it's awesome, you run around as a lego man, sometimes luke skywalker sometimes darth vader, basically any character from the films, playing your way through the storylines of the films
its great fun :)

~*Jobthingy*~ said...

how tall are you?

ACG said...

when did you lose your virginity?