Friday 19 January 2007

that friday feeling

ok so yesterday was the "big" interview
it wasn't that big though
and to be honest it wasn't even that clever
but a job would be a job and i need one
but that one was pretty boring
it involved looking at lists and matching things up...that's all
and i've be called a costings assistant...i don't want to a job where i can be abbreviated to being an ass...
still i was expecting to hear something back from them by today, but i've not heard anything as yet.
i was supposed to have heard something back from the intreview from last week by today too, but nothing on that front either...ho-hum

i've got 3 interviews (to date) lined up for next week
one on monday for an interesting sales role...i thought the company was a joke to start with, but apparently they're not...i had a look at their website and i know that doesn't prove they're real, but if they're not someone has a weird sense of humour (but then i guess novak is out there some place too and he's just plain twisted)
one on wednesday for a accounts role of some description, company seem to be good, still waiting for all the details from the agency though about this role, but it sounds way better than the one from yesterday
and one on thursday for a company that i used to work for many years ago, that one should be ok, it's for business manager role in a sports centre, something that i know i can do...
out of the three for next week i'm looking forward to all of them and i've got no real preference as to which (if any) i'd do should i be offered them

had a weird dream the other week
i dreamt that i had a new valve fitted to my heart, then because it didn't work properly, i had a new heart, but i don't think i got a human heart. anyway in the dream i was back up and doing everything again within a couple of days after the operations...weird!
i've had a few weird dreams in the last week or so, but that's the main one that i can remember

song for the weekend:
i like this song
i wrecked my old version of O though, but this week i got a cheap one in the sale so it's ok :) and as such i've been playing it loads recently
anyway eeps that's all from me
just press play
and somoene remind me to blog about how i've got all these years and NEVER seen animal house until the other day!
take care peeps


Anonymous said...

hey it took me 3 months to find my perfect happy place of a job. its okay. you will find something good for you.

and your dream is telling you taht something very important to you cant be fixed. it can only be replaced. think about it.

it may also be sayin your a baboon. :p

Px said...

what's happened to your name/avatar?
weird dreams are what i do, trust me, i've had worse
jobwise i know i'll not find something perfect for me right away, but i just want to find something now...

Katie said...

I had a dream that I was a monkey the other night!
kinda odd

Alicia said...

I still don't know what my dream job is.
I'm pretty sure it would be the owner/chef of a little pub in CO.
Good luck with your interviews!

Miss Ash said...

I love Damien Rice!! Good luck with the interviews, how many have you been on lately, it seems a ton?

Knitty Yas said...

yeah i dream freakin crazy shiot all the damned time.

i couldn't log in at the time and had to post as OTHER. lol

it was fun bein other... i can change my name around. but i missed my avatar. stupid ass blogger. hehehe hey px head over to my bloggy and try not to throw up on the upholstery. heheh

Steven said...

You dreamt that you didn't have a human heart?


I'm not dream analysis specialist, but, uhhh...

I htink there might be something to that. ;)


Px said...

yeah it's probably true that something could be read from that...question is what...

~*Jobthingy*~ said...

google dream interpretation.. youll find a bunch of sites you can look it up on ;)

good luck with the job search. lord knows i have been there. it sucks. i have finally found something that i like although sometimes the sched sucks.

Autumn Storm said...

Don't you look the bidness in that suit. Wow! :-) Dressed to impress like that, someone is going to snap you up good and proper and soon. Best of luck with the job hunting, x

Rebecca said...

Funny that you should blog about a dream...I've been pondering on a recurring one myself the last three days...I keep dreaming about the number 18...odd...I have a book by Betty Bethard on dream interp, perhaps I should blow the dust off of it and see what it has to say...

Px said...

not really sure i want to know what my dream was about, little too weird for my liking

i try to look the bidness when it's interview time, then break them slowly into what i'm normally like ;)
i hope someone snaps me up too, in more ways than one ;)

if you get thebook out and there's something to do with my dream there too...and it's not too weird, lemme know :)

Rebecca said...


Will the meantime, I sent you an email..the comment I was going to post went on a little long (translated: novella)...

LuzLunaEv said...

Animal House is a classic - now you need to have a toga party after you get a job! I only saw Office Space last month - which as everyone has told me - is a crime to humanity.

Jen said...

eugh - jobhunting; a subject all too close to my heart at the moment. I'm there with you chick - chin up ;)