Wednesday 24 January 2007

what i should do about her...i think

i'm not putting my head in the sand
i'm being cautious and waiting for a while
if it's going to happen it will at some point
and then that'll be cool
but the more i think about it now and worry about it now the more i'm going to wind myself up and in doing that i'm just going to get more and more paranoid and stressed about it when i've got so much else on my plate, right?
if i'm going to learn how to dance with her, then i can wait until then before i see about getting to know her better. and it'll a good reason to get her number then as well...
so i've made my plan and now i'm sticking to it
laters peeps


Alicia said...

very smart plan.

Rebecca said...

Excellent plan...just one question...are you trying to convince us or yourself? ;-)